Strong Lungs the Yoga Way

By Claire Diab and Dennis Boyle

Firefighters have an increased risk of contracting a respiratory infection from the irritants common on the job. One respiratory infection firefighters often get is bronchitis. Symptoms of bronchitis include inflammation and mucus buildup in the bronchiole tubes, which cause a severe cough. Bronchitis can be triggered by the inhalation of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, asbestos, and dust. Dr. Peter Wagner, former president of the American Thoracic Society, said that firefighters exposed to even a minimal amount of smoke during a fire are at risk of health effects ranging “from mild bronchitis to fatal lung inflammation.”

It is beneficial to practice yoga after smoke exposure and inhalation. Yoga allows the lungs to feel strong, refreshed, and revitalized. The Cross-Legged Spinal Twist is an excellent yoga pose for the lungs. Doing yoga gives the lungs the opportunity to ventilate and, in turn, the lungs will be less likely to become infected.


Cross-Legged Spinal Twist Instructions:

In a comfortable cross-legged seated position, twist your upper body to the right. Hold on to the right knee with the left hand and bring the right hand behind you near the tailbone, turning your head to the right. Press your shoulders and sit bones down, lifting your chest and breathing deeply. Gently unwind and rotate to the opposite side.



  • Brings fresh oxygen to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Increases circulation.
  • Improves breathing.
  • Opens the chest.



  • Do not perform the crossed-leg spinal twist position if you have spinal injuries.


Claire Diab is an internationally recognized Yoga therapist. She is the director of the Yoga Program for the Chopra Center founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. She is an adjunct professor of Asian Studies at Seton Hall University. She is the author of several books and DVDs on Yoga including “Yoga For Firefighters.”


Dennis Boyle is a retired fire director and acting chief with the West Orange (NJ) Fire Department. He was the recipient of the 1999 New Jersey Deputy Fire Chiefs “Fire Officer of the Year” award.

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