Survey Launched to Answer Fire Officers’ Questions
From the Publishers Desk
The editors of Fire Engineering work hard to produce an editorial product that will be both interesting to read and assist you in your fire fighting efforts. We are proud of the issues that result from these labors, but much of the credit for the material that does appear in our pages belongs to you, our readers.
Our editors spend a lot of time on the trail of fire fighting knowledge and experience that we know you possess and that would be of interest to other fire officers. Unfortunately, there is not enough opportunity, despite all the time spent in the field and at the meetings we attend, to meet with you individually and ask the questions which we know your brother officers would also like to pose. That’s why we’re asking for your help.
In a continuing attempt to stay abreast of current practices in the fire profession, we are inaugurating an Operations Research Program. Throughout the coming year we will be carrying a series of survey questionnaires in the regular issues of Fire Engineering. Many of the questions put to us by fire officers and equipment manufacturers have to do with current practices in equipment selection. We are, therefore, focusing on this aspect of fire department administration in this survey.
There are only a few questions and the entire questionnaire will only take a minute to complete. The information you supply will simply add to the quality of the results. Your department need not be identified and you do not even sign the return.
Why not share your methods with us and we, in turn, will compile the results and make them available to you in subsequent issues of Fire Engineering?
This month the questionnaire appears on page 53. Why not take a minute right now to fill it out and send it back to us?
Our address is listed on the bottom of the survey form.