Syracuse (NY) Firefighters Control Kitchen Fire That Displaces Five

Syracuse NY firefighters respond to kitchen fire

Syracuse (NY) firefighters quickly controlled a kitchen fire earlier this week that displaced five residents.

On December 13th, 2022, at 2:39 p.m., the Syracuse (NY) Fire Department was alerted to a possible house fire in the 400 block of 2nd North Street. Firefighters from Station 2 arrived in 2½ minutes to find a large, 2½-story, wood-framed, two-family dwelling with black smoke coming out of a second-floor window.

Engine 2 firefighters stretched their handline to the back of the house and made their way up a rear stairwell with Truck 2. In the stairwell, they were met with smoke and heat and forced open the locked apartment door. They immediately began searching for victims and extinguishing the fire.

The fire was successfully contained by firefighters to the second-floor kitchen. Crews remained on scene checking for hidden fire in the walls and ceiling that could slowly grow and reignite. Syracuse Fire Investigators determined that this fire originated in the kitchen and the cause was electrical. Nobody was in the fire-apartment during the fire and the first-floor occupant was removed by firefighters; there were no reported injuries. The house had functioning smoke detectors.


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