The prompt control and extinguishment of a serious fire is the single most effective lifesaving action a fire department can perform. Safe and efficient fire control requires water–sometimes lots of it–and in many communities, that water is supplied by hydrants.
In this article, I will identify some of the many conditions limiting the effective use of hydrants, explain techniques for properly testing and flushing hydrants, examine common supply hose practices, and provide numerous tips and suggestions to assist engine companies in securing reliable water supplies under a variety of operating conditions. (For an excellent review of hydrant nomenclature, design features, and applicable standards, see “The Fire Hydrant” by Paul Nussbickel in the January 1989 issue of Fire Engineering, pp. 41-46.)
Before continuing, three important points bear mentioning. First, throughout this article, I refer to the firefighter responsible for driving the engine (pumper) apparatus and operating the pump as the “engine company chauffeur” or, simply, “the chauffeur.” In many departments, this individual is called the “engineer” or “pump operator,” but in almost all cases these terms are synonymous. Second, when discussing proper techniques for testing, flushing, and hooking up to hydrants, I direct this information at the chauffeur, as this is often his responsibility. In some departments, however, a supply line is laid into the fire from a remote hydrant and a member is left behind to perform the hookup and charge the line when ordered. To avoid injury and ensure an uninterrupted water supply, this individual must adhere to the same testing and flushing procedures as the chauffeur. Third, suburban areas are no longer immune to the urban woes of crime and vandalism, and few communities aren`t faced with budget deficits that impact essential services. Problems that have long affected the availability of working hydrants in the inner city can now be found anywhere.
Limitations on the effectiveness of hydrants as a water supply source can be divided into three categories:
inadequate inspection and maintenance practices by the local fire department and/or water authority;
limited size and advanced age of water mains supplying hydrants, causing reductions in available volume and static pressure; and
unauthorized use and vandalism that often render hydrants partially or wholly inoperable.
Although my aim is to examine problems in the first and third categories, I must emphasize the importance of the second category. Knowledge of water main sizes and/or flow test data is a vital part of preincident planning and efficient engine company operations. (See “Fire Flow Testing,” by Glenn P. Corbett, Fire Engineering, December 1991, p. 70.) Hydrants supplied by mains smaller than six inches in diameter and hydrants that flow less than 500 gpm must be identified to prevent operational difficulties and inadequate fire flows. In addition, the locations of hydrants with the following special characteristics should be noted: situated on dead end mains, requiring special fittings, containing only 212-inch nozzles, and having inoperable drains due to their location in flood plains or areas with high water tables.
Some of the most common problems that result from poor inspection and maintenance practices, unauthorized use, and acts of vandalism are listed below:
numerous open hydrants during summer months, causing critical water pressure reductions;
caps that are difficult to remove;
operating stems that are inoperable or operating nuts damaged so severely that the hydrant wrench cannot be used;
missing caps and damaged or missing threads;
barrels or nozzles clogged with debris;
frozen barrels due to improper drainage in cold weather;
unauthorized contractor use;
hydrants hidden by vegetation;
hydrants buried by snow and ice;
hydrants obstructed by illegally parked cars or trucks, derelict vehicles, or piles of rubbish;
hydrants that have been knocked over;
hydrants that are missing;
hydrants that leak during operations, causing icing problems in cold weather;
hydrants that cannot be shut down at the conclusion of operations; and
threads that are incompatible with hose and fittings carried on engine company apparatus.
In many communities, the local water authority regularly inspects and maintains fire hydrants. This does not relieve the fire department of responsibility for performing its own inspections to ensure proper hydrant operations. Engine company personnel should routinely check hydrants in their response areas by removing the cap from the largest nozzle (traditionally called the “steamer connection”) and thoroughly flushing the barrel to clear debris. Perform such tests during alarm responses, drills, and other outdoor activities so they become habit. Pay particular attention to hydrants with missing caps; debris may have been placed in the barrel. Flush newly installed hydrants thoroughly to prevent rocks trapped in the main and riser from damaging pumps and appliances.
Following are some key points concerning the safe way to test and flush a hydrant. First, on hydrants with the caps securely in place, always check to make sure the hydrant is shut down before attempting to remove the cap. Second, remove the cap from the largest nozzle on the hydrant, and flush through this opening to best ensure removal of all entrapped debris. Third, it may be necessary to tighten the other caps to prevent leaks or, more importantly, to prevent the caps from blowing off violently when the hydrant is opened. Fourth, always stand behind the hydrant during flushing operations. Obviously, by standing in front or to the side, there`s a good chance you`ll get wet; but the most important reason for standing behind the hydrant is that rocks and bottles trapped within the hydrant barrel or riser can be forced through the nozzle under considerable pressure and become dangerous projectiles. In addition, as noted above, caps can blow off, causing injury.
Another important point concerns the extent to which you must open the operating valve to effectively flush a hydrant. I have observed chauffeurs opening hydrants several turns, allowing water to flow through the uncapped nozzle under great pressure. This high pressure may force aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, cellophane candy wrappers, and other debris up above the level of the nozzles and prevent them from being flushed from the barrel. Then the chauffeurs shut down the hydrant, attach a suction hose, and open the hydrant again to charge the pump with water. All of a sudden–usually just as the first handline is committed to the fire area–a loss of water occurs due to unflushed debris entering the suction line. The attack line goes limp, resulting in a quick reversal of direction by the nozzle crew; the chauffeur instantly panics when intake gauge pressure drops to zero. Proper flushing technique involves opening the hydrant several turns, waiting momentarily, and then closing the hydrant until the discharging stream of water fills approximately one-half of the nozzle opening (see illustration on page 64).
Engine company chauffeurs may encounter two types of problems as a result of hydrant vandalism:
The acts of vandalism themselves, which may partially or completely disable hydrants. I routinely encounter hydrants with missing caps, missing threads (most often on the 212-inch nozzle), missing bolts at the bonnet or break-away flange, operating nuts so worn by unauthorized use they are only slightly larger than the diameter of a pencil, cracked bonnets, frozen barrels due to unauthorized use in winter, and hydrants intentionally knocked over and sometimes even missing altogether.
The measures taken to combat vandalism. In New York City, four major types of antivandalism devices are installed on hydrants. Each of these devices requires a special wrench or tool for operation, further complicating the chauffeur`s job. In many cases, two devices are found on the same hydrant–one device to prevent removal of the caps and a second device to protect the operating nut from unauthorized use. In most communities, the only tools necessary to place a hydrant in service are a hydrant wrench and perhaps an adapter or two (National Standard Thread to Storz adapters, ball or gate valves, and four-way hydrant valves being the most common). But in inner-city areas, where vandalism is rampant and hydrant maintenance suspect, many other tools may be required. My engine company in the Bronx carries 14–yes, 14–different wrenches, caps, plugs, adapters, and other tools just to get water from the hydrant. And this does not include the various sizes and types of suction and supply hose needed for the actual hookup.
Typically, either a single engine company operating independently or two or more engine companies operating in concert establish water supplies from hydrants. An individual engine company can establish water supply from a hydrant using one of two common hoselays–the straight or forward lay and the reverse lay.
In the straight or forward lay (sometimes called the “hydrant-to-fire” lay or “in-line” supply lay), the engine apparatus stops at a hydrant before the fire building. A member steps off and removes sufficient hose to “key” the hydrant, also removing the necessary wrenches and fittings. Once the “hydrant” man gives the signal, the engine chauffeur proceeds toward the fire building as the supply hose plays out. The member left at the hydrant then flushes the hydrant, attaches the hose, and charges the supply line on orders from the chauffeur. This method is popular because it permits placement of the engine apparatus close to the fire building, allowing the use of preconnected handlines and deck pipes. It poses several disadvantages, however.
The first disadvantage is that a member is left at the hydrant, reducing personnel available at the fire building to place the first handline into service. A second disadvantage is that if hydrants are spaced more than 500 feet apart, supply hose friction loss can substantially reduce the volume of water reaching the pumps. Many departments believe that dual 212-inch or three-inch lines will allow movement of suitable quantities of water; but more often than not, only a fraction of the available water is effectively utilized. Large-diameter hose [(LDH) 312 inches, and larger] will permit better hydrant utilization; but it, too, poses certain problems as discussed in the next two paragraphs.
Another disadvantage of the forward lay is that with the engine apparatus located close to the fire building, ladder company apparatus may be prevented from attaining optimum position. This is particularly true of the second-due ladder company, which often responds from a direction opposite that of the first-due engine. Narrow streets magnify this problem. If the engine apparatus itself does not prove to be an obstruction, supply hose lying in the street may well be. Charged LDH can create a formidable obstacle to later-arriving ladder company apparatus.
Uncharged LDH can cause problems as well. Recently, on Long Island, New York, a tower ladder attempted to drive over a dry five-inch line laid by the first-due engine at a fire in a row of stores. A coupling became caught up in the split rim of one of the rear wheels, breaking the leg of the firefighter at the hydrant and rendering the supply line unusable. An additional caution concerning ladder apparatus and supply lines: Make sure tormentors and outriggers are not inadvertently lowered onto the hose, thereby making a rather efficient hose clamp.
In the reverse or “fire to water” lay, the engine apparatus stops at the fire building first. If members discover a fire requiring the use of handlines, they remove sufficient hose with nozzle attached for deployment in and around the fire building. In multistory buildings, it is critical that enough hose be removed to reach the fire without “stretching short.” On a signal from the nozzleman, officer, or other designated member, the chauffeur proceeds to the next hydrant, tests it, flushes it, and performs the supply hose hookup. If members encounter a serious fire, they may “drop” a second handline at the fire building for use by another engine company or lay a large-diameter line to supply an incoming ladder pipe or tower ladder. The reverse lay is used by the City of New York (NY) Fire Department almost exclusively (where it is simply called a “backstretch”).
Advantages of the reverse lay include leaving the front and sides of the fire building open for placement of ladder company apparatus; efficient use of personnel, because the chauffeur is able to perform the hydrant hookup alone; and better utilization of the available water supply, because the engine is at the hydrant.
One disadvantage of the reverse lay is that any apparatus-based master stream device is removed from the tactical arsenal, unless the hydrant happens to be close to the fire building. Another disadvantage is the potential for long handline lays and the need for high pump discharge pressures, which can be overcome by “filling out” any stretch of 134- or two-inch line with 212-inch hose to reduce friction loss. This method also allows the option of disconnecting the 134- or two-inch hose and employing the bigger handline should conditions deteriorate and its use become necessary. Attaching a gated wye or “water thief” appliance to the 212-inch hose provides still more flexibility. In FDNY, a maximum of six lengths (300 feet) of 134-inch hose is permitted to keep the pump discharge pressure (PDP) within safe and reasonable limits. Many companies carry only four lengths, further reducing the required PDP.
Another disadvantage of the reverse lay is that it often precludes the use of preconnected handlines. While this is true and preconnects do allow for rapid handline deployment, the fire service has become overly dependent on them, and few firefighters today have the ability to accurately estimate handline stretches. Probably the biggest problem with preconnected lines is the “one-size-fits-all” approach. This can cause a significant delay in getting water on the fire when the line isn`t long enough. Unless provisions are made beforehand to extend preconnected lines–as is often accomplished through the use of gated wyes and manifolds–fires can rapidly grow out of control.
On the other hand, sometimes preconnected lines are too long. At one recent fire, the first-due engine was positioned in front of the fire building, and only about 100 feet of hose was needed to reach the fire and effectively cover the one-family structure. Unfortunately, both preconnected lines carried in the crosslay hosebeds were 200 feet in length, and excessive kinks caused a loss in water significant enough to force the nozzle team off the fire floor.
Perhaps the best approach is to outfit each engine apparatus with hose loads that allow for both a straight lay and a reverse lay. This approach permits a high degree of tactical flexibility when selecting a hydrant and positioning the apparatus.
Up until about the 1950s, many engine companies were “two-piece” companies consisting of a hose wagon, which carried hose, fittings, and nozzles and an engine, which was equipped with a pump and suction connection. The hose wagon would take a position close to the fire building to facilitate shorter handline stretches and to afford use of its “wagon pipe.” The engine would supply the wagon with water from a hydrant. Even today, with near universal use of triple-combination pumpers, water supply procedures in many fire departments call for the first-due engine to position near the fire building and, unless a hydrant is close by, the second-due engine to connect to a hydrant and supply the first.
The major advantage in using two engine companies to establish a water supply is positioning the first-due engine near the fire building for rapid deployment of preconnected handlines. Because of minimal staffing levels in many fire departments, it is imperative that handline stretches be kept as short as possible. In addition, due to long response distances, many fire attack operations are initiated with booster tank water until the second-due engine arrives to establish a positive water supply.
An advantage of this method over the straight or forward lay is that where hydrant spacing exceeds 500 feet, the second-due engine can relay water to the first and overcome any friction loss limitations in the supply line. The use of large-diameter hose further increases the efficiency of water supply operations. This method will also prove advantageous in very hilly areas when the fire building is at a higher elevation than the hydrant and when static pressures are weak. Other situations that might require two engine companies working together to establish a water supply follow:
The fire is in a remote area and a considerable distance from the nearest hydrant.
A frozen or defective hydrant is encountered and repositioning the first-due engine is not possible.
Hydrants are buried by snow and difficult to locate.
Hydrants are obstructed by vehicles or rubbish.
The actual procedures to be used by the two engine companies in establishing a water supply will depend on street conditions, the need for ladder company access to the fire building, and the direction of response of each engine. The following options are available:
The second-due engine can pick up a supply line already keyed to a hydrant by the first-due engine, hook up, and charge the line; the second-due engine can pass the first and lay out to a hydrant; the second-due engine can back down the street to the first and lay out to a hydrant; or a supply line may be hand stretched if time and distance permit.
The most significant disadvantage in using two engine companies to establish a continuous water supply from a single source is that it amounts to placing all your water supply eggs in a single basket. In the event of a mechanical failure, clogged suction line, or defective hydrant, there is no water supply redundancy as would be the case if individual engine companes secure their own hydrants. It is my recommendation that if a third engine is not normally assigned on structure fire alarms, it be requested as soon as possible. The third engine should position at another hydrant in the vicinity of the fire building and prepare to quickly deploy handlines or provide an emergency supply line as needed.
No matter what type of water supply procedure normally is employed, anytime a hydrant is located near the fire building its use should be considered. This usually eliminates the need for the second-due engine to supply the first and frees the second engine to find its own hydrant, thereby providing water supply redundancy. It is important that before committing to its own hydrant, the second-due engine should ascertain that the first-due has a “good” hydrant and is not stranded without continuous water. Communication between the engine company officers and/or chauffeurs is essential.
The hydrant the first-due engine company selects for use should be as close to the fire building as possible but not so close as to place the chauffeur and rig in danger. For an advanced fire on arrival, using a deck pipe can prove advantageous; but consider the potential size of the collapse zone and the problem of radiant heat. Other dangers include dense smoke and falling glass, which can cause serious injuries and severed hoselines.
At many fires, the dangers of collapse and radiant heat do not exist, so the only considerations in hydrant selection are the amount of hose required to reach the fire and the need for unobstructed access to the fire building by ladder company apparatus. When streets are narrow or crowded with parked cars, engine company positioning can pose a challenge. How can the engine chauffeur get his rig out of the way of approaching ladder apparatus and still facilitate quick and efficient handline placement at the fire?
The answer to this question involves two related considerations–the specific pumper suction inlet to be used and the length and type of suction connections (hose) available. Many modern engines are equipped with a gated front suction. A section of “soft sleeve” is often preconnected for immediate use. (Some pumpers are equipped with rear suctions–either in place of a front suction or in addition to it.) While preconnecting the suction hose is not a problem, the tendency to always utilize the front suction because of its convenience can be. On narrow streets, use of the front suction often requires the engine chauffeur to “nose” his rig into the hydrant, blocking the street to the detriment of later-arriving apparatus. The shorter the section of soft suction hose, the greater this problem. Short sections of soft suction hose also present the problem of kinks unless the engine is ideally positioned, which is seldom possible.
Chauffeurs must be prepared to use any of the suction inlets on their apparatus based on a size-up of possible positioning options. Pumpers rated at 1,000 gpm and greater have a large (master) suction and a 212- or three-inch gated inlet on each side. Side suctions are efficient because they allow the engine apparatus to parallel park next to a hydrant, keeping the street unobstructed. If a semirigid suction connection is used in lieu of a soft suction, kinking will not be a problem. If a semirigid suction hose is not available, consider wrapping the soft suction hose around the back of the hydrant to reduce kinking. The soft suction hose must be long enough to permit this. Another consideration in the use of the side suction is that side suction intakes are not gated. On at least two occasions when I attempted to open a front suction gate valve, the threaded rod between the gate and the control wheel at the pump panel unscrewed as I turned it, rendering the front suction useless. Fortunately, this never occurred in a critical situation.
Following are some additional tips and suggestions for best utilizing hydrants:
Do not overlook gated inlets; they may prove extremely valuable when snow piles, cars, and rubbish obstruct a hydrant, preventing use of a soft or semirigid suction connection. A 50-foot “fly line” of three-inch or larger hose can be carried to help reach the hydrant in these situations.
When pressure problems develop, as is often the case at large fires, multiple alarm engine companies should hook up to hydrants with a length of hard suction hose to eliminate the danger of a collapsed soft or semirigid suction hose.
Consider attaching a ball or gate valve to a 212-inch hydrant nozzle in addition to using the steamer connection. You can then run a supply hose to a gated inlet, providing additional capacity, which may come in handy at fires in vacant buildings, attached or closely spaced wood-frame buildings, and large-area “taxpayers.”
In high value districts, where hydrants are closely spaced, it may be possible for one engine to connect to two hydrants. Some cities still maintain high-pressure water systems, which may permit two engines to share a hydrant.
During the winter months, consider covering all exposed suction hose couplings with aluminum foil to prevent snow and ice accumulations, which could clog the hose or prevent the female swivels from spinning freely.
A veteran chauffeur in FDNY Engine Company 48 coined the phrase “the two minutes of terror” when describing the experience of the first-due engine chauffeur during the initial two minutes at the scene of a structure fire. Within two minutes (or less), the chauffeur must position the engine apparatus near a hydrant, scramble to test and flush the hydrant, attach the suction hose, get water into the pump, hook up the handline to a discharge gate (or ensure the preconnected hosebed is cleared of hose), and engage the pump. Hopefully, all these tasks are completed before the officer calls for water. One nickname you never want as a chauffeur is “Sahara.”
If this isn`t enough responsibility, in inner city areas, the two minutes described above are even more terrifying as the answers to four important questions are sought:
1. Is the hydrant where it`s supposed to be, or is it missing?
2. If the hydrant is present, is it upright and attached at the break-away flange?
3. If the hydrant is upright and attached, will it flow water when tested, or is it broken or frozen?
4. If the hydrant is operational, can the caps be removed in a reasonable amount of time to permit attachment of the suction hose?
To better understand the difficulties encountered with hydrants located in areas of high vandalism and why these four questions are so important, consider the following three incidents.
A chauffeur in a busy south Bronx engine company responded first due to a working tenement fire. After stopping in front of the fire building to permit the stretching of a handline, he proceeded down the block to find a hydrant. The first “hydrant” he found was not actually a hydrant but merely the lower barrel protruding from the ground–the hydrant itself was completely missing! As he continued his search, the next hydrant he came upon was lying on its side. Finally, he saw an upright hydrant almost one and a half blocks from the fire building; fortunately, it proved operational. The rest of his company grumbled for days about the several extra lengths of hose they had to drain and repack, but the chauffeur did his job and secured a continuous water supply in the face of extreme difficulty.
A veteran chauffeur from the northeast Bronx arrived to find heavy fire venting from the front first-floor windows of an occupied private house. A hydrant was located on the sidewalk nearby, and it appeared that the hookup would be quick and easy. But appearances can be deceiving. After the chauffeur placed a wrench on the operating nut and applied leverage to open it, the entire hydrant fell over onto its side! But before proceeding to the next hydrant, he notified his officer via portable radio that there would be a delay in the water supply (and notified the second-due engine company, in case its assistance was needed).
In addition to communicating any delays or other problems, it is imperative that when a handline is being supplied by water from the booster tank, the officer or nozzle team must be made aware of this fact. Once hydrant water is available, this information also must be communicated to the officer and nozzle team so they may alter their tactics accordingly. One more point: Good chauffeurs always maintain a full booster tank during operations as a safety measure should a loss of hydrant water occur.
I will provide a personal example of the difficulty often encountered in trying to remove the large cap from the hydrant steamer connection. Due to antivandalism devices and caps stuck or frozen in place, chauffeurs in my company routinely strike every cap with a maul, using several sharp blows. Striking the cap in this fashion jars loose debris trapped in the threads and usually permits the caps to be removed easily. Several months ago, I was detailed to drive an engine company in upper Manhattan. At about 5:30 a.m., we were dispatched first due to a fire in a multiple dwelling that subsequently turned out to be a fatal fire. Out of habit, I had placed the eight-pound maul in a familiar location on the rig at the start of the tour in case it was needed. Sure enough, it was necessary to strike the cap on the hydrant I selected several times before the cap could be removed with the wrench. If several sharp blows with a maul (or back of an axe, if a maul is not available) doesn`t loosen the cap sufficiently to allow removal, you can slip a length of pipe over the handle of the hydrant wrench to gain more leverage. I do not advise striking the handle of the wrench itself, I have seen wrenches bend and crack.
The effective utilization of hydrants requires forethought, training, and fast thinking at the scene of a fire. Engine apparatus should be equipped for a variety of water supply contingencies, and chauffeurs should be provided with portable radios to improve fireground communications. Many excellent texts on engine company operations and water supply procedures are available; consult them for more information on the hoselays discussed in this article and other related subjects.
A veteran Bronx fire officer once said that the entire job of the engine company can be summed up in four short phrases: “Start a line. Start water. Shut down. Take up.” Obviously, this is a gross oversimplification. But good engine chauffeurs can make it seem this easy, even when the hydrant is “bad” and the fire is “out three windows.” n
Thanks to the following: the officers and members of FDNY Engine Company 48 and Diana Robinson, senior librarian at the New York State Academy of Fire Science. I dedicate this article to chauffeurs everywhere.
Numerous open hydrants during the summer months can cause critical reductions in static pressures over a large area. Attempting to shut down illegally opened hydrants is often a dangerous undertaking, and police assistance may be required. (Photos by author unless otherwise noted.)
(Top left) This hydrant has been vandalized and is completely unserviceable. The “Custodian” magnetic interlock device (which is installed over the operating nut to prevent unauthorized use) has been attacked, the bonnet is cracked, and the 212-inch nozzle has no threads. (Bottom left) This hydrant is frozen solid due to unauthorized use during a period of sustained sub-zero temperatures. On most occasions, a frozen hydrant presents much less dramatic an appearance and is determined to be frozen only after you experience difficulty in turning the operating nut or after you remove the cap, revealing ice in the barrel. (Photo by Bob Pressler.) (Top right) It is obvious that this hydrant is out of service. Even-concrete filled pipes couldn`t protect it. (Bottom right) Sometimes hydrants aren`t where they should be.
As a general rule, a hydrant in close proximity to the fire building is advantageous. There are situations, however, when a serviceable hydrant may be passed over. These situations include a narrow roadway that would cause the engine to obstruct ladder company positioning; a hydrant located in the collapse zone of a well-involved building; and the chauffeur and rig`s possible exposure to dense smoke, falling glass, or radiant heat. (Photo by Peter Goodman.)
(Top left) FDNY engines carry a 10-foot section of semirigid hose for use in making hydrant connections. It has a 312-inch waterway and permits positioning very close to the hydrant, which is sometimes necessary to allow ladder apparatus to pass on narrow streets. (Top right) When the hydrant is opened, the semirigid hose remains kink-free, whereas a soft suction hose would be kinked in at least two places. If the 10-foot hose does not reach, a 35-foot suction connection or a 50-foot length of 312-inch hose is still available. (Bottom left) This soft suction hose is supported by a metal stand to prevent abrasion (chafing) of the outer jacket. The combination of a rough pavement surface and hose movement due to vibration can cause significant damage. Although a stand such as the one pictured can be used, a piece of wood or rubber will make a simple yet effective “chafing block.” (Photo by Bob Pressler.) (Bottom right) Engine 29 of the Indianapolis (IN) Fire Department, like many modern engines, is equipped with a gated front suction and a preconnected soft suction hose. Where streets are wide and illegal parking is not a problem, engine apparatus positioning is not a critical concern. On narrow streets, flexibility is the key, and engine chauffeurs should be prepared to use any of their available suction inlets. If the soft suction hose is long enough, it may still be possible to reach the front suction inlet, even with the engine parallel parked next to the hydrant. Note the bowling pin in the hose tray. Curiously, many Indianapolis engines carry bowling pins instead of rubber mallets for loosening and tightening large hose couplings. (Photo by Bob Pressler.)
FDNY Engine Company 48 carries a variety of tools to assist in hydrant operations. The following tools are pictured: “Hydrashield” hydrant wrench; eight-pound maul; “cheater” bar; two types of hydrant plugs (for use when threads are missing); bolt cutters; 212-inch and 412-inch blind caps; standard hydrant wrench; pipe wrench; “Custodian” hydrant wrench; “Hydro Loc” hydrant wrench; and 212-inch by three-inch increaser.
(Top left) Caps for 212-inch nozzles often are missing. Blind caps should be carried in case this situation is encountered. If threads are badly damaged or missing, it might be possible to plug the outlet. This will require placing your hand in the barrel, which IS NOT recommended. If you must install a plug, examine the barrel thoroughly with a light for signs of broken glass or hypodermic needles. (Top right) At the tragic 1988 “El Hoyo”social club fire in the Bronx, New York, the chauffeur of Engine Company 46 was forced to run his soft suction connection through a derelict vehicle obstructing the hydrant. FDNY, after field testing 412-inch soft suction hose of various lengths, selected a 35-foot connection because it simultaneously provides increased flexibility over short lengths (up to 25 feet) but is more manageable than a 50-foot length. (Photo by Charles Eberhart.) (Bottom right) Short sections of soft suction hose require extremely accurate positioning of the engine apparatus to prevent kinks. When hydrant pressures are low, the problem is even more severe.
Several “cardinal” rules can be applied to hydrant testing and used to ensure the safety of operating personnel and provide for optimum efficiency of operations. The rules are listed in their approximate order of application on arrival of an engine company at a fire or emergency:
1. Always position the engine so truck company access to the fire building is not obstructed.
2. Always test any hydrant to which you plan to hook up.
3. Always ensure that the hydrant is shut off before you attempt to remove the cap(s).
4. Always stand behind the hydrant when operating it.
5. Always thoroughly flush any hydrant to which you plan to hook up.
6. Never blindly insert your fingers or hand into the hydrant nozzle to clear debris. “Junkies” have been known to place hypodermic needles inside hydrants. (The same danger exists with siamese connections, and the same rule applies.)
7. In cold weather, listen for air exhausting from the hydrant barrel as you open the operating nut, and quickly shut down before water fills the hydrant barrel. This will prevent a frozen hydrant if the drain is clogged or inoperable. Of course, if it is obvious the hydrant will be used, flush it thoroughly before hooking up.
8. Always hook up with the largest diameter hose available. Always hook to the largest nozzle on the hydrant–usually a 412-inch or five-inch “steamer connection.”
9. When hooking up a suction hose, always attach it to the hydrant first in case the apparatus has to be repositioned.
10. Always open fully the hydrant to which you have hooked up.
11. Always ensure that all wrenches, fittings, and adapters required for proper hydrant operations are easily accessible on the engine and immediately restored to the apparatus after use to prevent loss or theft.
12. Always carry a shovel and a supply of sand/salt during winter to ensure access to buried hydrants and to reduce slips and falls from ice accumulations. n
ANDREW A. FREDERICKS is a 17-year veteran of the fire service; a firefighter with the City of New York (NY) Fire Department, assigned to Engine Company 48 in the Bronx; and an engine company chauffeur. He is a New York State-certified fire instructor at the Rockland County Fire Training Center in Pomona, New York, and an adjunct instructor at the New York State Academy of Fire Science. He has two bachelor`s degrees, one in political science and the other in public safety, with a specialization in fire science, and a master`s degree in fire protection management from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.