Take Command with NIMS for Fireground Success

By David Polikoff

Many things can negatively impact an emergency incident: lack of communication, disregard of standard operating procedures (SOPs), poor tactical decisions, and lack of command, just to name a few. Here, I will focus on the command aspect. A strong command presence can overcome most issues that arise on an emergency incident. Most think that command starts once a chief officer arrives on the scene; this idea can prove to be detrimental to a successful outcome. During an emergency, the incident command system needs to start once the first unit arrives on the scene and completes a good size-up. The transfer of command will then be smooth once a chief officer arrives because he can get a status report/update and quickly assume command of the incident. This article will focus on how to have a successful outcome when operating on the day-to-day incidents we run (structure fires, small hazmat incidents, automotive accidents). Most of these incidents will be mitigated in less than 12 hours and will not require additional operational periods.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

A good fire department will have a good working knowledge of NIMS, a comprehensive, national approach to incident management that is applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. It is intended to do the following:

  • Be applicable across a full spectrum of potential incidents, hazards, and impacts regardless of size, location, or complexity.
  • Improve coordination and cooperation between public and private entities in a variety of incident management activities.
  • Provide a common standard for overall incident management.

NIMS provides a consistent nationwide framework and approach to enable government at all levels (federal, state, tribal, and local), the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to work together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents regardless of the incident’s cause, size, location, or complexity. 

 Applying NIMS consistently lays the groundwork for efficient and effective responses, from a single agency fire response to a multiagency, multijurisdictional natural disaster or terrorism response. Entities that have integrated NIMS into their planning and incident management structure can arrive at an incident with little notice and still understand the procedures and protocols governing the response and the expectations for equipment and personnel. NIMS provides commonality in preparedness and response efforts that allows diverse entities to readily integrate and, if necessary, establish unified command during an incident.1

NIMS Terms 

Knowing the terminology as NIMS defines it will help the incident commander (IC) to run an incident smoothly and keep all units on the same page when giving out instructions. Using the terms set forth by NIMS greatly improves communication within your organization and any other jurisdictions or mutual-aid units that are operating on the scene. 

Divisions are geographical areas of operation. Within the ICS organization, a division is located between the branch and the task force/strike team. Divisions are identified by alphabetic characters for horizontal applications and, often, by floor numbers when used in buildings.

Groups divide the incident into functional areas of operation. They consist of resources assembled to perform a special function that is not necessarily within a single geographic division. Groups are located between branches (when activated) and resources in the operations section.

Initial actions are those that the resources first to arrive at an incident site take.

The operations section is responsible for all tactical operations at the incident. It includes branches, divisions, groups, task forces, strike teams, single resources, and staging areas.

Span of control is the number of individuals for which a supervisor is responsible, usually expressed as the ratio of supervisors to individuals. Under NIMS, an appropriate span of control is between 1:3 and 1:7.

Unified command is an application of the incident command system (ICS) used when there is more than one agency with incident jurisdiction or when incidents cross political jurisdictions. Agencies work together through the designated members of the unified command, often the senior person from agencies and disciplines participating in the unified command, to establish a common set of objectives and strategies and a single incident action plan (IAP).2

The above terms are only a fraction of those NIMS defines but are the most often used during an emergency. It is important to use the NIMS-defined terms to reduce confusion at an incident. The terms are specific to operations at an incident and allow personnel to know who they are working for or where they are working during an incident. As an IC, avoid broad terms such as “the interior” and “fire attack.” These terms do not define a specific area of operation. In a multiple-floor dwelling, it is difficult for an officer to give an IC good reports when the officer is responsible for an entire structure. It is best to assign groups and divisions with supervisors.

Tactics vs. Strategies

For an IC, it is important to understand the difference between tactics and strategies. Tactics involve doing the work set forth by the IC or policy. In photo 1, firefighters are preparing to make entry with a backup line to assist the first engine with extinguishment. This task is defined in the policy or is ordered by the IC and carried out by the firefighters.


(1) Photos by author.


When discussing tactics, the acronym most often used is RECEO-VS-RA: Rescue, Exposure, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul; Vent, Salvage; Risk Assessment.

On most fires, RECEO tactics are done in that order, but VS may move around; there is no set spot for these tactics. RA is ongoing throughout the incident and must be ongoing. The IC will tell crews what he wants done, which he usually accomplishes by setting up objectives. The crews then figure out how to accomplish the objectives; this is tactics.

Strategy is not about how to do the work but communicating what work needs to be done. Setting and relaying objectives is how to do it. Strategy uses the acronym LIP: Life safety, Incident stabilization, and Property conservation. In photo 2, the IC relays his strategy, worked out using his tactical worksheet, as objectives for the firefighters to carry out.


Life safety is accounting for people possibly in danger. Personnel must use the fastest and most prudent methods available to ensure the safety of people. Life safety concerns include civilians and firefighters alike.

Incident stabilization means keeping a problem from getting worse; it is situational. Personnel must first stop the spread of a danger or risk before addressing the risk directly. Often, a direct attack is the best solution to prevent a given problem from worsening, but not always.

Property conservation is often the most meaningful act to those we serve and must be considered in all our actions. Personnel must constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to maximize property conservation.

One can draw parallels with the tactics acronym RECEO-VS-RA and the strategy acronym LIP. Life safety encompasses all lives on the fireground, firefighter and civilian. Incident stabilization is fire control, overhaul, utilities, and ventilation. Lastly, property conservation means limiting the damage. 

It’s a very fine line between managing and micromanaging. The IC tells the units on the scene what needs to be done (extinguish the fire on the second floor, search the building, or protect the items in the basement). The IC is embedding objectives, which are what need to happen on the fireground. They can be broad and extend over the entire fireground or focus on each group or division. Notice these examples state what needs to be done but not how. The crews on-scene are responsible to carry out the orders. Many firefighters are quick to point out when they feel a supervisor is micromanaging them. Firefighters are smart and resourceful; when an IC gives an order, the fire crews will figure out the best and safest way to complete the task. 

Initial On-Scene Reports (IOSR) 

We have all heard at one time that when the first-arriving unit officer is on the scene of a fire, he should “paint the picture” when talking on the radio (photo 3). This means giving a good description of what you have and what you are seeing. Give the following six pieces of information when arriving on the scene: 


  • The arrival side of the building.
  • The number of stories.
  • The occupancy type.
  • The conditions evident on arrival with the associated geographic location using ICS terminology.
  • A request for additional resources (additional alarms).
  • Any deviation from the SOPs in designating other unit assignments.

This will give all incoming units a great mental picture of what they will encounter. This allows the IC to formulate a plan and enact it once command is transferred to him. The first-arriving officer must be trained to start the command process; he will set the tone for the incident. Many organizations have different names for this initial command; it may be called tactical, limited, or fast command. This initial command process gives dispatch one person to communicate with, thus reducing fireground communications. The initial IC can direct the first few arriving units and his crew. Initial command is intended to be held for a short time. Once a command officer arrives, he will have one point of contact to receive information prior to assuming command.

Transferring Command

Once the chief officer arrives on the scene, he should receive a quick condition, actions, needs (CAN) report. Some departments add location (LCAN) so the command officer understands where the crew is operating. Once the exchange of information is complete, the command officer will announce he is assuming command and lets everyone operating on the fireground know the location of the stationary command post. Most command posts are marked with a green flashing light or flag. The IC can run command inside or outside the vehicle, but he needs to remain at the command post so units on scene can find him (photos 4-5).



Writing It Down 

The IC will continue to receive updates from the working crews and should consider using the CAN or LCAN reports for quick reports to reduce radio traffic. The IC will document crew assignments and locations in the structure on the tactical worksheet (Figure 1). He will limit the span of control by assigning crews to work under supervisors. The IC should denote who the supervisor is by using some sort of mark next to the unit assigned as the supervisor. I have used an asterisk (*) or an (S); this lets me know who the supervisor is and to whom I was talking. A typical fireground may consist of divisions and groups. In a two-story house, an IC may assign two divisions with two units working in each. The IC may also have a search group and a vent group and will only need to speak to the supervisors to get updates, so in this instance that would be a total of four supervisors (between the two divisions and the two groups). Although there may be 30 people on the fireground, the IC will only need to talk to four of them. This reduces the span of control and greatly reduces radio traffic. All of this information will be captured on a tactical worksheet. 

Figure 1. Typical Tactical Worksheet



Figure by author.


Taking command should mean you are to set or change the tone of the operation. Having the prerequisite knowledge based off NIMS, SOPs, and fully understanding organizational structures to increase your span of control and improve accountability will only get you so far. To ensure your companies can aggressively, safely, efficiently, and effectively control the incident, you must get out and train.

The IC needs to participate, not just observe, in company and live fire training. Command skills are perishable and must be practiced and critiqued. Participating in training allows you to improve your communications skills and allows your personnel to understand your expectations.

The fire incident scene can be a chaotic place. The IC must know the difference between tactics and strategies and trust his members to perform while verifying tasks and tactics are completed to meet the strategic goals of the incident. Couple this with having a strong command presence (calm, competent, and confident), and you should have a smooth fireground with reduced radio traffic.


1. United States Department of Homeland Security. (2005a). NIMS FAQ. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3uK5cwQ.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Emergency Management Institute. (2005b). NIMS Glossary. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3VTf03m.

DAVID POLIKOFF is an assistant chief with the Frederick County (MD) Fire and Rescue Service. He retired from Montgomery County (MD) Fire and Rescue as a 34-year veteran battalion chief. Polikoff co-hosts the Fire Engineering podcast “Politics and Tactics” and has presented at FDIC International. He is also a lead instructor with Capitol Fire Training LLC and is the owner and host of the podcast Side Alpha Leadership.

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