… fully supports all parts of the body during transport to hospital.
The Adjustable Gurney is a collapsible gurney—a wheeled cot or stretcher for transporting the injured—in which the ‘bed’ of the gurney is made up of articulating, adjustable, hinged sections corresponding to the various bodily regions and to the joints of the human skeletal system permitting the patient to be accommodated and supported in a wide variety of anatomical positions. The Adjustable Gurney will enable emergency medical personnel and other persons or entities involved in the transport of patients a reliable means of positioning and supporting the patient so that further injury does not occur during transport. For more complete design information see the attached brochure or the webpages listed below.
The Adjustable Gurney was invented by Ingrid Ottesen of Anaheim, CA. She said, “The nine panels are designed to support the body trunk; the upper arms; the forearms, wrists and hands; the upper and lower legs; and includes a removable set of food cradles that will cup the heels of the patient’s feet for full support. Transporting an injured individual using the Adjustable Gurney means the patient will not be harmed more because of the positioning and support of this type of gurney. I expect that the Adjustable gurney will benefit the various services (Fire & Rescue and/or Search & Rescue) sent to transport an injured individual to the hospital as well as the injured individual him/herself.”
To view a graphic of the Adjustable Gurney, along with complete information on design features, advantages, benefits, target markets and distribution channels, please see the attached brochure. To view the webpages of this product click on the following links or type into your browser: www.inventionpublicity.com/?id=3063 or www.sellidea.com/?id=3158 or www.virtual-prototype.com/?id=3159.
The Adjustable Gurney is a collapsible gurney — a wheeled cot or
stretcher for transporting the injured — in which the “bed” of the
gurney is made up of articulating, adjustable, hinged sections
corresponding to the various bodily regions and to the joints of the
human skeletal system, and permitting the patient to be
accommodated and supported in a wide variety of anatomical
positions. The Adjustable Gurney will enable emergency medical
personnel, and other persons or entities involved in the transport of
patients, a reliable means of positioning and supporting the patient so
that further injury does not occur during transport.
Target Markets:
• Fire and Rescue Units
• Search & Rescue Units
• Military Bases
• Hospitals
• Nursing Homes
• Professional & Amateur
Sports Teams
Distribution Channels:
• Hospital Equipment & Supplies
• Fire & Rescue Equipment &
• Search & Rescue Equipment
• Government Purchasing Agencies
• Military Base Exchange Malls
• Mail Order & Catalog Shopping
• Internet Sites
• Television Infomercials
• Exporters & Representatives
Design Features:
• The Adjustable Gurney would be a wheeled, collapsible-stanchionsupported
• The Adjustable Gurney would consist of nine articulating,
adjustable panels — arranged to support the body trunk, neck, and
head; the upper arms; the forearms, wrists, and hands; the upper and
lower legs; and including a removable set of “foot cradles” that will cup
the heels of the patient’s feet for full support.
• At each of the various joints between the panels — corresponding to
the patient’s shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees — the panels are
controlled with threaded, finger-and-thumb wheels. When the wheel for
a specific joint is loosened, the joint or hinge between it and the
adjacent panel is relaxed, and the relevant panel may be tilted or inclined
to the most desirable, supportive position, after which the knobbed wheel
will be tightened, locking that joint.
• The panel supporting the trunk, neck, and head of the patient,
likewise, may be inclined through a series of stops from the level, supine
position to one of perhaps 45° degrees.
• The panels supporting the shoulders and upper arms will permit
articulation not only in the vertical plane (raised or lowered), but also,
with the use of an incorporated slide-out armrest, in the horizontal
(abduction/adduction) plane.
• The legs, likewise, may be moved laterally out from the hips with a
slide-out, pivoting mechanism.
• The Adjustable Gurney thus isolates and supports the various
anatomical sections of the body. The various parts of the gurney can be
elevated, lowered, abducted, adducted, or angled as may be necessary.
Like the slide-out armrest(s) to be employed when necessary for
stabilizing shoulder and arm injuries, the removable, length-adjustable
“foot cradle” attachments will provide firm support for a patient’s heels
and feet where required.
• The Adjustable Gurney may be equipped with restraints or straps
for stabilizing and securing the patient, and that the panels should be
padded with a durable, supportive and cushioning material.
• The panels themselves would likely be fabricated in a tough and
sturdy, stiff injection-molded thermoplastic, while the frame and
hardware would be fabricated in a metallic alloy, probably aluminum.
• The wheels would be of the 360°-degree caster type, with solid
rubber tires.
• Handles, either detachable or folding and permanently affixed, would
allow for lifting and carrying the Adjustable Gurney where required.
• The wheeled frame of the undercarriage would be of a locking,
collapsible design, quite like the design in use with emergency gurneys