The Book Shelf
FIRE INVESTIGATION HANDBOOK, Francis L. Brannigan, Editor; U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; 187 pages, $8 (stock no. 003-00302223-3).
This handbook, complete with charts, photographs, and tables, discusses various fireground procedures for determining the origin and cause of a fire. In addition, investigation photography and recordkeeping methods are covered.
Contributing factors, such as unsafe building construction and faulty wiring systems, are examined in detail. Basic facts on the chemistry and physics of fire are mentioned for reference.
THE INVESTIGATION OF FIRES, Charles L. Roblee and Allen J. McKechnie; Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632; 201 pages, $13.95.
Geared to both the novice and experienced fire investigator, this text explains the fire fighter’s role in investigation procedures. After discussing the basic properties of fire, the authors explain the legal definitions of arson, as well as motives for firesetting.
Natural and accidental fire causes are examined, and a chapter is devoted to explosions and their characteristics.