The Book Shelf
ARSON INVESTIGATION, Robert E. Carter; Glencoe Publishing Co., Inc., 17337 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, Calif. 91316; 286 Pages, $13.95.
After defining the current arson problem, the author discusses motives and the part that both fire fighters and fire departments can play in the detection of suspicious fires and preserving the scene so that when the arson investigator reaches the scene, there is something left for him to investigate.
The book covers the basics that a new investigator must learn, including information on the chemistry of fire and scientific equipment for laboratory analysis of fire scene evidence. In addition to describing the particular characteristics of specific types of incendiary fires, the author details advice on interviewing witnesses, questioning suspects and preparing a case for the prosecutor. The. book is written by a man with years of arson investigation experience and is designed to help others start acquiring the same experience.
PRINCIPLES OF FIRE PROTECTION, Percy Bugbee; National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02210; 339 pages, $16.50.
Written for the new student in a fire science curriculum, this book provides basic information in 11 areas of fire protection. It can be used to build the foundation for more extensive studies in the curriculum and to acquaint fire fighters with the many subjects in which they must become knowledgeable to become fire service leaders.
The areas discussed range from the fire hazards of materials to fire department operations and the development and value of codes and standards. At the end of each chapter there is a list of 10 examination-type questions designed to review the chapter’s information by involving the reader in restating that information.
INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL for Principles of Fire Protection, Percy Bugbee; National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02210; 55 pages, $3.50.
This paperback contains a teaching outline for each chapter in “Principles of Fire Protection” along with suggestions for extending the discussion of each chapter and a list of resource material.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, James O. Page; National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02210; 429 pages, $8.75.
Written from the administrative viewpoint, this book discusses the many facets of planning an emergency medical system— from selecting a planner to obtaining funds and training EMTs and paramedics. It also describes the functions of the various parts of the system, such as hospital personnel, telemetry, evaluation, and computer use.
A career ladder, selection of personnel and vehicles, and attaining public acceptance are among the topics in a chapter on implementation of an emergency medical system. A lengthy appendix includes a paramedic training course guide developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation as well as a copy of the Emergency Medical Systems Act and federal specifications for ambulances.
EMERGENCY CARE, 2nd Edition, Harvey Grant and Robert Murray; Robert J. Brady Co., Bowie, Md. 20715; 538 pages, $9.95.
As might be expected, this second edition contains new concepts and techniques relating to the entire spectrum of emergency medical care. What is unique about this book is the presentation of the subject matter in what the authors have identified as the nine phases of an EMT’s activities. These phases form a logical plan of action for EMTs to follow to bring medical emergencies to successful conclusions.
Following an educational principle that the student does things in the order in which he learns them, the book starts with the development of an emergency medical services system and ends with the responsibilities of EMTs after delivery of the patient to the hospital. In addition to describing the principles of emergency care—the phase that gets the largest number of pages—the book covers ambulance response, gaining access to the patient in a variety of situations, determining the extent of the injury, getting the patient out of the wreckage, transfer of the patient to an ambulance, and transport to the hospital. A liberal use of photos and diagrams complements the text.