The Book Shelf
ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS, Third Revised Edition, Ernest C. Magison; The Instrument Society of America, 400 Stanwix St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222; 394 pages, $35.
The chapter on principles of hazard reduction discusses how to eliminate the source of ignition, and the degree of protection required for various types of emergencies.
A detailed explanation of purging systems is included, as well as a chapter concerning the functions of flame arresters and the various types available.
Briefly mentioned are human safety, and the effects of electrical shock on the human body.
FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPLOYMENT ANALYSIS—A PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS CASE STUDY, Warren E. Walker, Jan M. Chaiken, Edward J. Ingall, editors; Elsevier North Holland, Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017; 673 pages, $34.50.
This text discusses the process of organizing, analyzing, and managing a fire department through the use of systems analysis. Basic tools and techniques are described, including travel time, company dispatching decisions, and the demand for department services. An entire section of the book is devoted to applying these techniques to ensure efficient department services. Case studies, as well as charts and diagrams, are offered to illustrate these applications.
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: THE FIREMEN, N.F. Dufty, University of Queensland Press, c/o DDC, 5 South Union St., Lawrence, Mass. 01843; 333 pages, $24.25.
Industrial relations in a western Australian fire brigade is closely examined in this book. Chapters are devoted to such topics as recruitment and selection of fire fighters, unions, industrial tribunals, collective bargaining, and union-management relations. The text includes tables and figures.
DESIGN OF BUILDINGS FOR FIRE SAFETY, E.E. Smith and T.Z. Harmathy, editors; American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103; 289 pages, $28.
This technical text covers a symposium sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials, that was held in Boston in June 1978. It is an anthology of reports by various authors, each discussing aspects of safe building design. The burning qualities of both inorganic and organic polymeric materials are listed in extensive tables.
Compartment and fully developed fires are described, complete with empirical formulas for such areas as unprotected steel columns, concrete-protected steel columns, and timber beams.
THE FIRE FIGHTER AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: A guide’to Self-Protection, Fifth Edition; University of Michigan Extension Service, 412 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109; 72 pages, $2.25.
This booklet gives an elementary overview of the relationship between electricity and fire. With emphasis placed on precautionary methods, topics include pre-planning for electrical emergencies, extinguishing procedures, and aerial equipment used infighting electrical fires.
INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSION PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, Frank T. Bodurtha; McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020,167 pages, $21.50.
Aimed at industrial plant personnel, this book focuses on the ability to recognize, analyze, and solve various explosion problems. Flammability limits are discussed, as well as ignition sources, explosion pressures and hazardous compounds. The role of management regarding the prevention of hazardous explosions is also described. Illustrations and graphs appear throughout the text.
PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION AND DETECTION, IFSTA 210, First Edition, Jerry W. Laughlin, editor; Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, IFSTA Headquarters, Stillwater, Okla. 74074; 176 pages, $7.
Much of this manual is devoted to a detailed discussion of inspecting, testing and maintaining the various types of sprinkler systems. Special extinguishing systems, such as carbon dioxide, halogenated agent, foam and both dry and wet chemical, are also explained.