The burning of the excursion steamboat, General Slocum, when crowded with women and children, on pleasure bent, seems almost criminal in its nature. Over goo lives sacrificed, through negligence to observe even the most ordinary precautions, calls for a radical revision in the methods governing the inspection of passenger boats, especially those which are used to convey large numbers of persons about the various harbors and rivers in the summer season. On land vigorous efforts have been made to enforce such building laws and regulations as will adequately protect the crowds which gather from time to time in public places, and although the disastrous fire at the Iroquois theatre last winter proved that there is much room for improvement, nearly every city at once took steps to see that its amusement buildings conformed to the laws. A more complex problem is presented by boats engaged in passenger service, for, in addition to the hazard of fire, there is the danger of drowning to be avoided. It may be impossible to build an absolutely fireproof river boat on the present lines of vessels with numerous decks and vast open spaces, but it is possible to install as complete fire protection equipment as is required on shore, and to enforce ordinary precautions against the spread of fire. Numerous standpipes, with proper hose attachments at various points, supplemented by a system of automatic sprinklers, can be safely relied upon to hold a fire in check until a convenient landing can be made, while every dangerous point should be protected by fireproof material. Such regulations are in the hands of the Federal government, and it is now up to Congress to enact such a law as will prevent the possibility of a repetition of the catastrophe of June 15.—The Standard, Boston, June 24.
At Washington, D. C., Chief Engineer Wm. T. Belt, of the fire department, has formally recom mended to Commissioner Macfarland that the titles of officers in the department be changed, as provided for in the last district appropriation act. Under the law the position of deputy chief engineer is created, and the titles of the three assistant chief engineers will be changed to battalion chiefs. The foremen will hereafter lie designated as captains and the assistant foremen as lieutenants. The title of firemen on engines will also be changed to that of assistant engineers.