Tips for “Pepsi Generation” firefighters

Tips for “Pepsi Generation” firefighters

I am now in my 20th year as a career firefighter. I`ve worked with all types of firefighters and officers. A recent stereotype of the newer generation of firefighters held by senior firefighters is that of the “Pepsi Generation” firefighter.

I have some tips for the “Pepsi Generation,” especially those who have just entered the fire service:

You have recently begun a career in the greatest job in the world. You will find no other job where you will “look forward” to going to work every tour for the next 20 or so years. You have also become a member of the “greatest family” on earth. Anywhere you may be, you have brothers and sisters nearby; never be shy to ask for help.

Train–excellence through training. Don`t say your training let you down. “I didn`t know” doesn`t count. When you stop learning, it`s time to retire. You can always learn something. Have an open mind.

This is a “team sport.” If you`re not a team player, don`t try out for the team.

Always take and wear your mask (SCBA). Statistics speak for themselves. Think of your family. Dead at 50 or 60 is not macho.

You are not going to get rich in this career, but you will live comfortably. You will have the respect of all U.

God has given you two ears and one mouth. So listen twice as much as you speak.

Step up. When others are busy at a task, don`t be the last one to join in.

Friends are easy to make; you have to work at making enemies.

Think! Look when getting off the rig. Look when crossing the street at boxes. Be extra cautious on highway. Never run on a roof.

Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.

Don`t be a whiner or complainer.

Remember where you came from.

Rusty tools equals no company pride.

Mark Wesseldine

Fire Department of New York

Glenn Corbett and Paul Dansbach

Fire Safety in Old Theaters

In this Training Minutes video, Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett review fire safety and firefighting concerns in old-style theaters.