Jonesborough (TN) – At least 25 firetrucks as well as police cars from multiple agencies lined the streets in Jonesborough Wednesday, as local and statewide emergency workers honored Jonesborough firefighter Sergeant Luke Story, who lost his battle with cancer on Jan. 24. He was 37 years old.
According to a Town of Jonesborough news release, Story became a volunteer firefighter in Jonesborough in August of 1996 when he was 19.
He was hired as a full-time firefighter on Sept. 27, 1999, and was promoted in 2007 to Officer in Charge and became a platoon Sergeant.
Story was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer in August 2014.
Story was responsible for organizing the first Prom Promise at David Crockett High School back in 2012, which has since expanded to include Daniel Boone High School.
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