Do you think it’s disrespectful for civilians to wear FDNY caps?
Final Results:YES: 95
NO: 19
“Yes. These hats should be reserved for the firefighters of FDNY only.”
“Yes. I feel that the public should not where fire dept stuff unless they’re affiliated with that the dept. i.e. son mother wife child. Other than that, it is a false sense of advertising– them saying that they’re firefighters in the eyes of the public, because on the street you cannot tell us apart from the rest of the world except by the hats and clothes we wear.”
“I vote yes! I also feel strongly about other fire service members wearing the FDNY logo too. Bunch of wannabes.”
“Yes. I do think it is disrespectful for civilians to wear official FDNY or NYPD hats. Not all of the citizens who wear these are doing so because they truly care for our lost brothers and have now “found the fire service” after 9/11. Where were they before 9/11? Some are doing it because it is the “cool” thing to do by getting attention from others, just like some of our own are doing. Real firefighters are humble and don’t need to wear anyone’s elses hats to respect and honor their true valor and courage in these trying times for our service and the country. May our brothers and their families in NY rest in peace knowing that they truly are the heroes we aspire to be before we pass on to the next life.”
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“No disrespect. I’m from the Bronx, now live outside Baltimore. Plenty of flags and sentiment still in evidence here.
Lot’s of my friends are 20-years-and-out of any of the branches of law enforcement or FDNY; as were their fathers in many cases. FDNY shirts worn with great respect.
343, Never Forget.”
“I am a Firefighter and NO it is not! It is another way to show your support!”
“No. I don’t find wearing a FDNY cap by the public disrespectful. I do find that members of the Hollywood community who must wear some sort of apparel with the FD logo on it at any photo op they can are not really thinking about the 343 firefighters who lost their lives. I feel they think that the maltese cross is “cool” and a firehouse house logo on the rear of the shirt makes them part of the Brotherhood which is furthest from the truth.”
“No. I don’t think it’s disrepectful. I find it hard to believe that anyone would purposely disrespect the FDNY after 9/11. There were a lot of places that the work, the lives, or the deaths of firefighters were never recognized before. How often did the President of our country mention firefighters in addresses to Congress? Is this disrepectful? How many times did major league baseball players wear caps during ball games with FDNY or NYPD on them? Is this direspectful? When was the last time Whoopie or anyone else recognized the FDNY or NYPD during the Academy Awards? Was that disrepectful? I think, unless you could interview every person that has worn the cap since 9/11, that it would be unfair to say that it is out of disrespect. We all agree that it is unfortunate that it took the deaths of so many professional public safety officials to be recognized for the work we have always done.
However, the entire country is aware now and the more people are reminded of the sacrafice the less likely they are to forget. Now, the illegal manufacture and selling of the FDNY and NYPD symbols and logo is another story. Wearing these items is no more a sign of disrepect than a fan wearing a Boston Red Sox cap. Too me it is simply an indication that this country, from the President to the resident, is finally waking up and realizing who the real heros are!”
“No, it is certainly not disrespectful. People by nature jump on the bandwagon and certainly that is what this is, but let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth. The fire service has to realize that this great tragedy has brought light to the duty that we all serve in and more often than not does not get enough attention. We have the opportunity to blow our own horn now and be heard to bring attention to the issues that affect us. So the people wearing the hats might not have ever given a second thought to their fire department before, but the fact is they are probably thinking about it now. We don’t say that if you’ve never flown the American flag before 9/11 you can’t fly it now. That is ridiculous. If you see someone wearing an FDNY hat or NYPD say thank you for supporting our brothers, and stop by your
local station sometime because those guys are heroes too.”
“No. It’s the ultimate form of respect. I wish that people in my community would wear our headgear. I cannot imagine why anyone would get frail over it frankly.”
“No. It is not disrespectful”
“No. It’s not disrespectful as long as they weren’t purchased from one of those “black market” souvenier shops in midtown manhattan or those street corner vendors.”
“This is not a fad or a style or the “in thing” this is America supporting FDNY, and I see nothing wrong with it. The fire service has longed for America’s support and here we go. I hope the fire service will hold on to this support and build on it, if we take it for granted we will lose it. Hopefully no one is making money on the hats, I would not support it then.”
“No. Just because someone wears a ball cap, that does not mean they represent that organization. I believe that a large number on people wear the FDNY ball cap because it is a way each and everyday to show how much they appreciate the sacrifice that was paid. Many of these people are walking billboards, which promote the most honorable profession in the world today.”
“No. I think it would be disrespectful for a civilian to wear any part of our dress uniform. The cap, I have no problem with. They’re just trying to support us any way they can and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. We should enjoy it while we can.”
“No. Civilians wearing departmental apparell is a sign of respect and committment to that department. I am a Canadian firefighter who recently travelled in the U.S. While at the airport, I was stopped several times
(once by a U.S. customs Officer) and asked if I was FDNY. When I explained that a Canadian F.D. had made the shirts that I was wearing and gave 100% of the profit to the FDNY fund, I recieved many thankyou’s
and hand shakes. The Customs Officer’s brother is an FDNY battalion chief.”
“No. It shows the widespread support throughout our nation of our trade and our deep loss. This is no different than wearing a baseball cap from a major league team, it shows support, not impersonation.”
“No. Departments across the country sell apparel with their insignia on them. I am not sure who gets the money in most cases, however if they do not want them sold then take them off the market. In NYC, the firefighters themselves sell the shirts, hats, etc. to raise money for the different charities.”
“Not at all disrespectful. In fact, this is a small way to show our brothers the public is supporting us. Do you remember how many athletes sported FDNY Caps? Every Sunday during the NFL season some team, some football player in an interview was wearing a cap. In fact, I saw more FDNY Caps than Nike caps or other sports logos, which athletes are paid to wear during an interview. It’s nice and an honor to see so much support of the work we do. So many times in the past firefighters has been taken for granted.”
“No. I don’t think that it is disrespectful. Prior to September 11th, I would have been a little miffed if I met someone with a FD hat on who wasn’t on the job. But I feel that it is a way for people to show the members of FDNY respect and gratitude. Respect for the 343 lost brothers from the WTC but all the other members of the department who have paid the supreme sacrifice.”
“No. I have been wearing FDNY apparel for many years–long before 9/11. I have always had a great deal of respect and admiration for the career brothers. As a volunteer FF, I have learned a tremendous amount from them.
As long as the persons wearing the fire department apparel don’t misrepresent themselves as a real member of that department, it’s not disrespectful.”
“No, absolutely not. On the contrary, it shows acknowledgment of existence. A civilian advertises support when wearing any item containing a logo. This
show of support reminds those who see it of our profession along with the country’s great loss.”
“No. I don’t feel that it is disrespectful. The public is trying to find ways to openly show their support for FDNY in their time of tragedy. I feel it is the same as any non-FDNY firefighter wearing FDNY apparel. We are
civilians in New York, just like everyone else. I do feel, though, that firefighters wear other departments apparel with more respect and reverence in their hearts than your average Joe Citizen off the street.”
“No. I think it is a matter of respect. Finally!”
“As much as I despise most of the media superstars, I find it kind of neat to see pop stars supporting the FDNY loss. This type of exposure keeps the importance of the loss in the forefront of the media.
We shall never forget.”
“No. Plus there are too many companies that aren’t liscensed to make and they are profiting off of Sept. 11. Sad but very true.”
“I do not believe it is disrespectful, however these caps should be for active/retired members of paid and volunteer fire departments. Perhaps the FDNY caps for civilians could marked with “I support firefighters” or other such logo.”
“People should wear FDNY caps (or any other FD caps for that matter) the same way they wear their favorite pro baseball, basketball, or football team cap. However, I also believe that part of the cap money should go to a firefighter memorial fund.”
“No I don’t. It is a sign of support to and for our fellow firefighters.”
“No. I think it is a form of respect.”
“No. As a former New York resident (always a NYer at heart!!), it is good to see people in LA, Atlanta, Miami, etc. salute the great courage and valor of our fine fire personnel. God bless them all.”
“No. It is a show of support.”
“No. Firefighters deserve all the recognition they are finally getting. It’s a shame that a national tragedy had to take place for firefighters to get this recognition. I hope that people will not forget what it is that firefighters do for our country and it’s citizens.”
“No. It’s a sign of respect. It’s either that, or wear a Jets cap.”
“No, it is not disrespectful.”
“No. It is not disrespectful, but everybody is selling them now. It should have been through FDNY only to help raise money for families.”
“No. I don’t think its disrespectful. I read a previous comment of someone wondering where these people were before 9 11. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that now they are aware. Look at the amount of support that ALL the fire departments now have. Yes,
it’s sad to say that it takes a horrific event and a few hundred lives to get everyone in line but now it’s not so hard for us to convince the public that we are important and we do risk our lives. Budgets are no longer suspended and necessary equipment is being purchased. If it takes a ball cap to remind everyone of the debt we all have or might have to pay then sobeit. Not everyone has the guts or the money so it might be their only form of support.”
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“For me, of course, it’s not as simple as yes or no. I have one that says “NY Fire Chief” and have been unable to wear it.”
“I would not say it is disrespectful, but I don’t feel that civilians should wear them. I work for the District of Columbia Fire Department, and even before the events of 9/11 I was bothered to see “non-department ” members wearing our apparel. With the exception of a wife or child, I don’t feel that it should be worn by non department members .”
“It’s kind of a Catch-22. It’s nice to see the support, but there are too many conterfeits and FDNY is losing the money from this. Only FDNY should be printed if they were bought through the FDNY and NYFD if not.”
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