Today’s Debate: Line Officer Requirements

Does your department require its line officers to be trained to the technicial level for the specialized incidents to which you respond?

Final Results:

YES: 9
NO: 19
“Yes. Line officers should be trained to a more advanced level than firefighters.”

“Yes. I just wish we could get our officers to understand why.”

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“No. The key word is specilaized, the company officer cannot be trained to specilaize in everything. People with specilaized training need to be called in for thosed kinds of incidents.”

“No. And I think that that is a problem with the volunteer department. It is a popularity contest. Having well-rounded people or people who are willing to learn more (specialties) can make one hell of a department. Teamwork. You would work better as a team. I wish my state would have a mandatory law where even though you are a volunteer, to be an officer you need to take a test to move up. I have seen officers who couldn’g manage themselves out of a paper bag–and their managing a fire. We’re dealing with people’s lives and property. It’s no time to find out your officers have no clue.”

“No. We don’t train our officers to the technician level for specialized incidents but we should. Unfortunatley a 20 year old firefighter EMT can’t convince a chief with 20 years or more that he needs to do this or the department needs that in order to gain more effective responses to calls. It’s kinda like fighting fire in the year 2002 but with knowledge from the 70s. The intentions are right but something just doesn’t add up.”

“No. In the process of upgrading requirements and training.”

“No. But most of our Officers are specialized in some area, i.e. special operations, dive rescue.”

“No. Most of our line officers only have the ‘basics,’ which we require any firefighter in our department to have.”

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Glenn Corbett and Paul Dansbach

Fire Safety in Old Theaters

In this Training Minutes video, Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett review fire safety and firefighting concerns in old-style theaters.