EMERGENCY MEDICAL UPDATE has released a special edition videotape on CPR featuring a review of one-person, two-person, child, and infant CPR. Also covered on the same program is a demonstration of airway obstruction management. Additional segments cover the effects of CPR on the body, infection control techniques for the

field and mannequin cleaning, and legal guidelines for ending CPR in the field. Contact: EMERGENCY MEDICAL UPDATE, (800) 327-3841.

HOT SPOTS IN THE HOME and FIRE SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE are the newest programs released by Syndistar to help educate the community on fire prevention. Each explains some common fire hazards and where fires are likely to occur and offers guidelines on how to reduce the risks of fire. The importance of fire extinguishers, a practiced plan for evacuation, and smoke detectors are stressed for the home, while the workplace version examines electrical and smoking safety. Contact: SYNDISTAR, INC., 125 Mallard St., Ste. A, St. Rose, IA 70087, (800) 841-9532.

SCOTT AVIATION, a Figgie International Company, has produced a videotape covering the operation and maintenance of AirPak® Ila 2.2 and 4.5. While the tape will train Air-Pak® users on correct operating procedures and steps to take to maintain this equipment, it is intended to supplement, not replace the procedures of your organized respirator) protection program. Contact: Scott Aviation Inquiry Handling, 1100 G. Daniel Baldwin Building, Erie, PA 16501.

ON-CALL FIRE DEPARTMENTS: THE TOWNSHIP BOARD’S RESPONSIBILITIES, a book published by the Michigan Townships Association, is a comprehensive overview of the unique character of the on-call fire department. The publication focuses on a local government developing and implementing policies to ensure that its fire protection reflects its values and needs. For more information, write the Michigan Townships Association, 512 Westshire Drive, Lansing, MI 48917.

BACKFLOW PROTECTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, a 25-minute videotape and manual produced by the National Fire Sprinkler Association. Inc. (NFSA), provides a comprehensive overview of the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and includes case studies of water quality in fire sprinkler systems. The video explains how fire sprinkler systems operate, the types of backflow devices used on fire sprinkler systems, how the devices operate, and the types of backflow prevention needed based on water supply. Contact: NFSA, P.O. Box 1000, Patterson, N Y. 12563, (914) 878-4200.

fort lauderdale dogs fire

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Save Dogs From House Fire, Department Says

Firefighters pulled four dogs from a smoldering Fort Lauderdale home that was in flames just minutes earlier Thursday morning, according to the department.
MN Barn Fire

4,000 Pigs Lost in MN Barn Fire

A fire late Wednesday evening has resulted in a total loss of a hog confinement and the 4,000 hogs inside.