Emergency Medical Planning has updated the packaging of its medical training program.

The Medic First Aid ’86 Standard, a ready-to-use, seven-module slide and sound presentation, now comes with a polypropylene tray toter and nylon shoulder bag. The program consists of hands-on first aid training materials and is designed to be completed in eight hours. The course includes one-person CPR, patient care for the unconscious, patient assessment, diabetic emergencies, head injuries, lifting and moving, and burns and electrical injuries.

A second program. Medic First Aid ’86 Budget, is identical to the standard program, only it’s shipped in white cardboard boxes. Contact Maryl Barker or Peder Heinman, Sr., at (503) 344-7099 for more information on the programs.

Soltys Associates has developed a five-step “Right-to-Know Compliance Kit” to help employers inform and train employees about in-house haz mats and reduce the potential for government fines. The kit includes an enlarged replica of the OSHA Hazard Communication Regulation, part 1900.1200; a list of about 40 common inhouse haz mats; a form letter to obtain material safety data sheets from supplying vendors; a model haz-mat communication program; and the MSDS used in employee training. Certification forms are provided for each employee to sign upon satisfactory completion of the training program. The kit comes in a bright yellow, three-ring binder box. The basic kit is $65. For more information, write to Gene H. Soltys, Director, Soltys Associates, 1741 N. Ivar Ave., #102, Los Angeles, CA 90039-5186, or call (213) 4655605.

“Simplified Spanish” teaches rescue personnel to communicate with Spanishspeaking patients. The package includes a 90-minute cassette tape and a quick-reference, pocket-size manual. The manual is written in the order in which a paramedic or first responder would perform a patient assessment; questions are designed to elicit simple oneor two-word responses. The casette tape follows the book to help the user learn correct pronunciation. Topics covered include “At the Scene of a Fire,” “Arrival on Scene,” “Childbirth,” “Parts of the Body,” and “Answers You Might Hear.” For more information, contact Steve Islava, P.O. Box 2417, Newport Beach, CA 92663; telephone (714)631-6283.

HazChem has four new productions in its series of training films on safe response to haz-mat emergencies: “Anhydrous Ammonia,” “Recognizing Hazards,” “Protective Clothing,” and “Safe Operations.”

The anhydrous ammonia film is scheduled for release in April. Like the company’s other product-oriented films, this one tells where the product can be found and offers procedures for safe response to spill, leak, and fire-related emergencies.

The other three haz-mat emergency training films are created in the group problemsolving format, allowing the course to be guided by a leader who need not have hazmat emergency response experience. Footage of actual incidents are used in combination with realistic training scenarios.

For more information, contact HazChem at (617) 262-5059, or write to Commonwealth Films, 223 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02116.

A tactical problem simulator for training officers is available from Arrakis Publishing. The package consists of the Fire Ground Problem Simulator and two utility programs for the instructor; the Tactical Problem Customizing Program, which can simulate special situations a department might encounter; and the Scoreboard, which helps the instructor track students’ progress.

The Fire Ground Simulation package uses advanced computer graphics on a personal computer and “mouse” interface technology. It’s the first in a series of training programs. Contact Arrakis Publishing, Box 100, Crystal River, FL 32629; (904) 795-2751.

“Fire Attack,” a 12-hour video training program, tackles the strategy and tactics of initial company response. Topics covered in the program’s six tapes are “Understanding Fire Attack,” “Successful Scene Management,” “Fireground Ventilation Techniques,” “Residential Fire Attack,” “Commercial Fire Attack,” and “Above-Ground Fire Attack.”

The program, available from Emergency Resource Inc., encourages student involvement through reading assignments, question and answer sessions, learning exercises, and problem solving using slides and video simulations. For more information, call (800) 544-3473.

A panel discussion on residential fire protection is available on videotape from the International Association of Fire Chiefs. Panelists from the building industry and fire service took part in the discussion during the association’s conference last year.

In addition to the residential fire protection panel, the tape features a look at some of the fire and emergency service tools and equipment shown at the conference.

The two-hour program is available on Viinch or Winch Beta or VHS tape. For more information, contact Satellite Broadcast Tapes, I AFC, 132918th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036.

The National Safety Council has updated two of its publications, Actident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, 9th Edition, and Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene.

The accident manual, a two-volume set, features expanded and updated material which reflects new trends in the safety and health field.

New sections of the industrial hygiene manual address computerization of industrial hygiene programs, advances in industrial hygiene instrumentation, and training programs for OSHA compliance officers.

For more information about the publications, write to the Sales Department, National Safety Council, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, or call (312) 5274800.

Rick Lasky, John Salka, Curtis Birt, and Scott Thompson

Humpday Hangout: Fire Training Facilities and Props

Hosts Rick Lasky, John Salka, Scott Thompson, and Curtis Birt discuss fire training facilities and training props.

Brooklyn (NY) Three-Alarm Fire Sends Five to Hospital

FDNY firefighters faced brutal weather conditions early Wednesday as they battled a three-alarm fire in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn.