FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATORS’ FIELD INDEX DIRECTORY is available free from the U.S. Fire Administration. The 165-page directory lists organizations in investigative resources, commercial and residential construction, vehicle manufacturing, explosives and firearms, equipment and operations, medical science, appliances, and more. For more information on FEMA publication #FA-91, write USFA/FEMA, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, DC, 20024, or call (202) 6464600.
A two-hour videotape of the “HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE ISSUES” teleconference is available from Volunteer Firemen’s Insurance Services, Inc. Featured are reviews of OSHA and the EPA’s “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response,” NFPA 471 “Recommended Practices for Responders to Haz-Mat Incidents,” and NFPA 472 “Professional Competence of Responders to Haz-Mat Incidents.” Panelists include Thomas Seymour, OSHA; Rodney Turpin, EPA; and Greg Noll, Prince George’s County (MD) Fire and Rescue.
To order, send S25.00 + shipping and your name, mailing address, phone number, and check or money order made payable to VFIS to: VFIS, P.O. Box 2726, York, PA 17405, Attn: Tamela Monroe.
The INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE KIT is avail able from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). It comes in a threering binder and contains the DOT National Standard Curriculum correlated to the fourth edition of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured as well as an instructor’s guide that discusses EMT education and teaching techniques. Included are 14 overhead transparencies illustrating anatomy and 20 full-color 35mm slides depicting various types of trauma. Kits also contain student handouts, a selected reading list, a directory of EMS organizations, and test questions.
To order, call AAOS Customer Service at (800) 626-6726.
The 1990editions of APPROVAL GUIDE and SPECIFICATION TESTED PRODUCTS GUIDE are available from Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC). Approval Guide lists more than 40,000 pieces of equipment, materials, and services relating to property loss control that have been approved and tested by FMRC. Subject areas include sprinkler and extinguishing systems, industrial trucks, shutoff valves, flammable gas equipment, hydrants and hose, household protection, and more. It costs S25. Products Guide lists building materials that have been tested by FMRC to other nationally recognized standards such as ASTM E-84, ASTM E119. and ASTM E-108. It is available for S10. To order, call (617) 762-4300, ext. 2155.