■ SpaceLabs Medical, Inc., has available a 17-by 22-inch, full-color poster that outlines automated external defibrillation (AED) protocol, based on the American Heart Association’s treatment agorithm for ventricular fibrillation and pulseless tachycardia. The poster is free for individuals who are involved in training early defibrillation. Contact: SpaceLabs Medical at (800) 251-9910, ext. 2144.

■ A videocassette is available to help professional managers prepare for incidents before, during, and after they happen. MANAGING A DISASTER: EMERGENCY PLANNING FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS (S 149.95), was produced by IREM Michigan Chapter No. 5 and KDN Videoworks, Inc. “Managing a Disaster” details an emergency drill conducted recently by IREM, several Detroit area fire departments, and several emergency medical services units. The mock disaster, staged at a suburban hotel, involves a gas line explosion, the ensuing fire, and the evacuation of hotel guests and employees. Fire department and EMS personnel simulate the rescue and medical treatment of actors portraying bum and smoke-inhalation victims. Contact: David Newman; KDN Videoworks; P.O. Box 71402; Madison Heights, MI 48071; (800) 825-4568.

■ The 1993-94 catalog of professional programs offered by the EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING ACADEMY in Biytheviiie, Arkansas, provides descriptions of courses in aircraft rescue and firefighting; hazardous materials; incipient fire brigades management and firefighting; interior structural fire brigade management and firefighting; supervisory skills; and various specialized areas, such as water rescue, fire prevention inspections, and fire safety. Contact: Emergency Response Training Academy; P.O. Box 724, Biytheviiie, AR 72316.

■ The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has released the revised fifth edition of EMERGENCY CARE AND TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND INJURED (the “Orange Book”), which includes new CPR ■ guidelines published in October of 1992. In addition, RURAL RESCUE AND EMERGENCY CARE, a 368-page softcover textbook presenting step-by-step information on extrication and essential medical care, also is available from AAOS. It is designed to prepare rural fire, ambulance, law enforcement, and rescue personnel for care delivery in agricultural/rural settings. Contact: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 6300 North River Road; Rosemont, II. 60018-4262; (800) 354-5221 (for information); (800) 626-6726 (to order).

■ Emergency Medical Update has created a 36-minute video and accompanying instruction guide designed to provide three to four hours of bloodborne pathogen training. The package, available for S148, features a review of the main components of OSHA 1910.1030. One-year subscriptions to Emergency Medical Update also arc available, in VHS, Beta, and ¾-inch formats, beginning at S848. Contact: Emergency Medical Update; Lockert-Jackson Associates, Inc.; P.O. Box 11380; Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-5380; (206) 842-8454.

■ THE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, a ■ video-based training program, has been released by Action Training Systems, Inc. The package includes a 20-minute video and 52-page lesson plan. Contact: Action Training Systems, Inc.; 2710 NE 78th St.; Vancouver, WA 98665; (800) 755-1440.

■ Pyramid Film and Video has released 10 of its best-selling video titles in CAV laserdisk format, including I AM JOE’S HEART and I AM JOE’S LUNG Each program is accompanied by a comprehensive, bar-coded User Guide, including glossaries, indices, and suggested activities. Contact: Pyramid Film and Video; P.O. Box 1408; Santa Monica, CA 90406-1048; (800) 421-2304.

■ Zee Medical now offers the BASIC SAFETY SERIES video program, aimed at employers and safety managers. The program covers 18 specialized work-related safety topics, such as forklift safety, electrical safety, eye care and safety, and industrial ergonomics. Each basic safety series package contains a training manual, a topic manual, program outlines, tips on training meetings and scheduling forms, and an employee quiz. Contact. Zee Medical, Inc.; McKesson Corp.; P.O. Box 19527; Irving, CA 92713; (714) 252-9500.

NJ Apartment Building Fire Displaces 41, Sends One to Hospital

A fire tore through the top floor of an apartment building on Palisade Avenue in Bogota on Sunday.

Providence Firefighter Pinned by Sliding Fire Truck During Snowstorm

A Providence firefighter was pinned between a fire engine and a parked car early Sunday morning when the truck got stuck and slid into the…