Two-in/Two-out Rule
Ray O`Dell
Dallas (TX) Fire Department
I work for a large urban department; my station in the inner city responds to numerous working structure fires yearly. I have watched the debate over the OSHA two-in/two-out rule for some time, and my department is now preparing to deal with the requirements.
First, in many of the structures to which we respond, the difference in time be-tween confining the damage to one room and allowing the fire to advance throughout the structure is very short. Setting up a rapid intervention team (RIT) before entering the structure is using time that could be better used in extinguishing the fire.
Second, rescues in these structures are not always readily apparent until the structure is entered, and no time should be wasted in entering. Most firefighters who regularly respond to working fires know that a majority of problems can be solved simply by extinguishing the fire with a minimum of fanfare. Fireground safety is greatly enhanced by good decisions on the fireground, not by government regulations. If a RIT is necessary, it should be taken from later-responding companies, not a company needed in the initial attack.
There seems to be a movement in the modern fire service away from our primary objective to save civilian lives and property. The movement seems to be toward how we can better serve ourselves. Each new regulation seems to discount the value of civilian lives and property. Many of those who have input on governmental regulations seem to be long on classroom hours and short on actual firefighting experience, yet they wish to write regulations that affect everyone.
Governmental regulations should not be used to compensate for firefighters` lack of experience or training. They should definitely not be used as a political move to increase staffing, especially when they shortchange the people we serve. There will be very little difference in firefighter deaths and injuries due to the two-in/two-out rule. There definitely will be an increase in property damage and possibly civilian deaths.
I still love my job after many years, and I take its performance very seriously. However, it is time that we take a good look at ourselves and try to remember the reasons for which we are needed. The citizens deserve it.