USFA and ABA publish arson newsletter
THE ARSON REPORTER, a newsletter published jointly by FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association (ABA), has been expanded to include material for arson investigators.
The newsletter had formerly contained only summaries of and legal decisions on arson-related cases. Now, with the ARSON RESOURCE BULLETIN having ceased publication due to a lack of funding, THE ARSON REPORTER will publish information on insurance, management, investigations, and arson programs.
THE ARSON REPORTER had been a monthly ABA publication, but it too suffered from a lack of funding and had stopped publication for a year. The USFA is now funding the cost of the newsletter, which is published “as needed.”
The USFA is soliciting newsworthy items regarding arson mitigation which will be reviewed and, if appropriate, submitted to the ABA for inclusion in THE ARSON REPORTER. Anyone interested in submitting information, or in being added to the newsletter’s mailing list, can write to: Thomas Minnich, USFA, 16825 Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727.