USFA Jobs Available

USFA Jobs Available

The United States Fire Administration is looking for candidates to fill a number of positions. Specifically, the National Fire Data Center is looking for people with experience in statistical data analysis, operations, research, scientific programming, and research project management to work in the areas of fire protection management studies, national fire estimates, and data analysis assistance to local governments. These professional positions in the U.S. Civil Service usually require the minimum of an undergraduate college degree in addition to on-the-job experience directly relevant to the job being applied for. Advanced degrees are preferable.

USF’A also has an active program of bringing in fire fighters as IPAs (Intergovernmental Personnel Act) to work on specific projects, usually for periods of from 6 to 18 months. The sponsoring fire department ~ continues to employ the fire fighter, sending the person to Washington for the training and experience to be gained. At present the data center is looking for IPA fire service personnel to work on the following projects:

  1. Preparing a manual on how to use data from the National Fire Incident Reporting System in fire department management;
  2. Assisting in the management of indepth fire investigation programs such as for insulation fires, mobile home fires, or electrical distribution fires;
  3. Assisting in managing fire fighter safety and health projects; and
  4. Defining and managing fire fighter technology projects.

For information on the jobs available and how to apply, write or call the National Fire Data Center, P.O. Box 19518B, Washington, D.C. 20036; 202-634-7561.

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