Presenters are being sought for the 2016 Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program Graduate Symposium. You do not have to be an EFO Program graduate to present and/or attend the symposium. The presentation format is similar to the “Ted Talk” style, but is more aptly named “Chuck Chats” in honor of retired National Fire Academy (NFA), EFO Program manager, Chuck Burkell. Presentations should be on a relevant topic of interest for an audience of approximately 200 senior chief officers and other fire service leaders. Subject areas may include, but are not limited to: solutions to adaptive challenges in the areas of leadership, applied research, risk reduction, and emergency management.
Whether you’re interested in presenting, or not, this is an invitation to attend the 2016 event. The symposium will be held on the campus of the National Emergency Training Center – September 8-10, 2016. You will be hard pressed to find a better networking and educational opportunity anywhere in the country. Registration opens in the late spring or early summer; check for updates on the EFO Section website:
For those interested in submitting a “Chuck Chat” proposal, please email the following information to Dan Smith at
- Name;
- Department;
- Topic;
- Brief Outline; and
- Previous presentations on your proposed topic or others, at the national level.
Please Note: The deadline for submissions is January 31.
The NFA will be helping to offset the travel costs for the “Chuck Chat” presenters and will reimburse individuals the cost of a pre-purchased, 21-day, nonrefundable, round-trip ticket by common carrier in economy coach class or the cost of Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) mileage (based on the current allowance). There is no reimbursement for meals, taxis, baggage fees, or any other incurred costs. As with all symposium attendees, on-campus lodging is provided at no charge. Please Note: For those presenters traveling by air, shuttle service will only be provided between the NETC and the Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Airport.