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NewsOn6.com – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – KOTV.com
From www.newson6.com:
Oklahoma City (OK) – A child lost in the woods, tornado damage surveyed for survivors — both lengthy missions were done on foot. But now, first responders are letting their imaginations fly with the possible use of drones.
The technology has yet to be cleared for takeoff, but the list of benefits is soaring.
So Oklahoma City Fire Chief Keith Bryant is having firefighter and unmanned aircraft system hobbyist, Julian Gaona, survey all the possibilities.
The department surveyed the possible use of drones during practice runs. But these practice runs can quickly turn into very real disasters.
During spring floods, aerial images could find access points, even life jackets could be flown to save stranded drivers. And likely the most common use — tornadoes. With a bird’s eye view, crews can check survivors and geothermal imagery could locate those trapped under debris.
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