Visual Inspection Procedure Advised For Ladder Belts

Visual Inspection Procedure Advised For Ladder Belts

Thorough, visual inspection of ladder belts is the recommended way of determining whether they are in proper condition for further use.

Ladder belts—or life belts—should be inspected before and after each use. A periodic inspection by a trained inspector for wear, damage or corrosion should be a part of the fire department safety program.

Inspection procedure

A typical inspection procedure should be done as follows:

Hold the body side of the belt facing you. Beginning at either end, grip the belt with both hands, 6 to 8 inches apart, and bend the belt into an O shape. The resulting tension will cause any damaged fibers or cuts to be readily visible. Continue this procedure along the entire length of the belt. Repeat the same inspection on the other side.

There are four areas of special concern:

  1. Webbing should be checked for (a) frayed fibers, (b) broken fibers, (c) unusual wear, (d) pulled stitches, (e) cuts, (f) chemical damage.
  2. Hardware (buckles, hook and ring) should be checked for distortion, cracks and corrosion.
  3. Belt tongue, or billet strap, should be checked for (a) heavy and unusual wear, and (b) loose, distorted or broken grommets.
  4. Rivets should be checked for the following conditions: (a) rivets must be secure, unmovable with fingers; (b) top and bottom of rivet must be flush with material; and (c) rivets should not be pitted or cracked.

Removal from service

Should any of the above conditions—or any other unusual condition—be noticed during an inspection, the suspect equipment must be removed from service.

Belts and associated equipment when properly used and maintained should provide the performance and service expected. A good inspection program should assure safe performance and service.

One Killed, One Injured in Naperville (IL) House Fire

One person was killed and another injured Tuesday afternoon after fire gutted a single-family home on Naperville’s south side.