Above: Detroit firefighters respond to a fire during the 2014 Angel’s Night period. Photo by Dave Traiforos.
The city of Detroit is once again seeking to put a damper on arson fires and other pre-Halloween mayhem through its Angel’s Night patrols.
The Detroit Free Press reports that almost 4,000 people have signed up to volunteer for this year’s crime-watching effort.
The city is asking people to help patrol streets, adopt vacant properties to watch, leave porch lights turned on, and more generally keep an eye on their neighborhoods beginning today through Saturday night, the report said.
RELATED: Detroit Confidential | Photos from 2014 Devil’s Night Fire
Angels’ Night began in 1995 as a cooperative effort among the community and police and fire departments in response to Devil’s Night, a tradition of arsonists setting homes and other buildings on fire the night before Halloween.
Read more HERE.
More at the Angel’s Night Web site: http://www.detroitmi.gov/How-Do-I/Volunteer/Angels-Night-Information