What’s Burning

What’s Burning

THE FOLLOWING LIST includes fires of $10,000 and over in the United States and Canada for the period from June 22nd to July 20th.

Arkadelphia, Ark.—Building housing Hardin’s Body Shop and Buck’s Pool Hall destroyed.

Little Rock, Ark.—Magnolia Petroleum Co. district offices damaged.

Pine Bluff, Ark.—Sulphur Springs School building destroyed.

Texarkana, Ark.—Dillard’s Department Store warehouse damaged.

Folsom, Calif.—Three warehouse and maintenance buildings at Folsom Prison destroyed.

Hollywood, Calif.—Laurel Canyon brush fire through Hollywood Hills destroyed at least 28 dwellings; others damaged.

Marysville, Calif.—Arnes Paint Store. Marysville Motor Supply Co., Spare Room Bar, Wolfe’s Liquor and Sporting Goods Store and Marysville Bowl, howling alley, damaged.

Oakland, Calif.—Stewart Mfg. Co. and nearby apartment dwellings damaged.

Pleasanton, Calif.—Western Sierra Lumber Co. damaged.

San Francisco, Calif.—Apartment dwelling at 1600 Waller, dwellings at 1622 and 24. W. C. Savage Co. carpenter shop, and buildings at 643 to 651 Cole, damaged.

Visalia, Calif.—College of the Sequoias lounge, bookstore and snack bar, damaged.

West Hollywood, Calif.—Supermarket adjacent to Academy Motion Picture Arts and Science Theater damaged.

Yuba City, Calif.—California Seed & Fertilizer Co. plant damaged.

Bridgeville, Del. — Market and Main Street building, housing restaurant, gas station and apartments, destroyed.

Bridgeville, Del.—Three barns on Henry Isaac Short, Sr. property destroyed.

Frederica, Del.—George C. Rothwell Inc. grain elevator destroyed.

Millsboro, Del.—Jackson Motor Co. building destroyed.

Yorklyn, Del.—National Vulcanized Fibre Co. plant damaged.

Washington, D. C.—Garrison Toy & Novelty Co. store damaged.

Cocoa, Fla.—Sullivan Packing Co. plant destroyed.

Palmetto, Fla.—Former boat building works. Melody Cafe, Little Jean’s Beauty Parlor, Pete’s Barber Shop and Tyson’s Grocery destroyed; several other businesses damaged.

St. Petersburg, Fla.—Central Plaza Shopping Center damaged.

Riverdale, Ga.—Carson Industries and Tu Tone Corp. plants damaged.

Hillsboro, Ill.—Seltzer’s Department Store destroyed.

Springfield, Ill.—Dunbar Trucking Co. warehouse, also housing liquid carbonic, badly damaged.

Brownstown, Ind.—Jackson County Court House damaged. Lightning.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa—Town House Motor Hotel, restaurant and office building destroyed.

Des Moines, Iowa—Reliable Rug & Furniture Cleaning Co. damaged.

Melrose, Iowa—Buildings housing United Telephone Co. of Iowa exchange, grocery store of Mike Haley and John Murphy’s restaurant, destroyed.

Burlington, Ky.—Main plant of Tasty Foods Inc. damaged.

Lexington, Ky.—Woolcott Mills Inc. grain and feed mill destroyed. Possible arson.

Louisville, Ky.—Pacific Plywood Products Co. damaged.

New Orleans, La.—Sirloin Room Restaurant damaged. Arson suspected.

St. Bernard, La.—Peppo Oil Works Distributing Warehouse destroyed.

Baltimore, Md.—St. Vincent de Paul Society’s store damaged. Fire started by a child.

Baltimore, Md.—Spevak-Stinson Co. meat packing plant damaged. Short circuit.

Flkton, Md.—Maryland Cork Co. warehouse destroyed. Lightning.

Acton, Mass.—Dewey & Almy rubber plant destroyed. Chemical kettle exploded.

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Boston, Mass.—Tire Corp. of America and Murray Tire Co. destroyed.

Fall River, Mass.—Longfellow Public School destroyed. Suspicious origin.

Foxboro, Mass.—W. E. Aubuchon Co., Inc. hardware store, Moore’s Dry Goods Store and apartments in Central Street building destroyed.

Haverhill, Mass.—Haverhill High School annex destroyed; St. Gregory the Illuminator Church damaged. Arson.

Haverhill, Mass.—Vile Building, housing several businesses, damaged.

Lunenburg, Mass.—Cattle barn of M. R. Levin & Sons Cattle Co. destroyed; another barn damaged.

Newburyport, Mass.—Unoccupied Webbs Wooding Mill and Baird & Eliot Furniture Warehouse destroyed; W. E. Atkinson Co. fuel and lumber firm, two dwellings and two wharves damaged.

Peabody, Mass.—A. C. Lawrence Leather Co. extensively damaged.

Pittsfield, Mass.—Berkshire Restaurant, Pittsfield Tire & Battery, Inc. and adjacent Tarbell-Watters store damaged.

Adrian, Mich.—R & B Bakery and adjacent Lowery Grocery damaged.

Cadillac, Mich.—First Congregational Church building damaged.

Dearborn, Mich.—Mars-Zenith Furniture Store damaged.

Grand Rapids, Mich.—Eberhard’s Supermarket in Madison Square Shopping District damaged.

Jackson, Mich.—Lamar Pipe & Tile Co. bridge plant damaged.

Marlette, Mich.—Harper Grain Elevator destroyed.

Mt. Morris, Mich.—Genessee Street buildings damaged.

Petoskey, Mich. — Grain elevator owned by Frank Gruler destroyed.

Pontiac, Mich.—Rodney Lockwood Construction Co. of Detroit Shed and Equipment destroyed. Arson.

Shelby, Mont.—Commercial Hotel and adjacent stores damaged.

Nashua, N. H. — Nutt Building destroyed; Slawsby Building, housing the Archie Slawsby Insurance Agency Inc., damaged along with several stores across Main Street.

Elizabeth, N. J.—Apartment dwelling housing Elizabeth’s Shoe Service, and attorneys’ offices; adjacent City Hall Pharmacy and G & W Food Market, damaged.

Somers Point, N. J.—McKee City Farmers Exchange damaged.

West New York, N. J.—Benjamin’s Decorator Store and adjoining Fox’s Dry Goods Store, Daylight Bakery and B & D Clothing Store, damaged.

Woodbridge, N. J.—Furniture Company building on Route 9 damaged.

Harpursville, N. Y.—Barn on Russell Livermore farm destroyed. Spontaneous combustion.

Jamestown, N. Y.—Watson Mfg. Co. warehouse and adjacent building damaged.

Greensboro, N. C.—New Home Building Supply Co. and Charles D. Roberts Co. lumber yards destroyed.

Jacksonville, N. C.—Liberal Credit Store damaged.

Jacksonville, N. C.—Rose Brothers Furniture Store destroyed.

Tryon, N. C. — St. John’s Roman Catholic Church virtually destroyed.

Walnut Grove, N. C.—Flour mill in business district damaged.

West Greenville, N. C.—Brown Furniture Co. damaged.

Williston, N. D. — Cafe, bowling alley and American Legion Club destroyed.

Dayton, Ohio—Seven downtown buildings, including a salvage shop, destroyed; four others damaged.

Klamath Falls, Ore.—Great Falls Northern Railroad trestle destroyed.

Klamath Falls, Ore.—Klamath Falls Lumber Co. retail store destroyed.

Ontario, Ore.—Ontario Onion Warehouse destroyed.

Pendleton, Ore.—Pendleton Rodeo Fairground damaged.

Springfield, Ore.—Kem Restaurant destroyed.

Toledo, Ore.—Toledo Dress Shop and Lockes Cafe destroyed.

Blain, Pa.—Adelphia Undergarment Co. plant destroyed.

Darby, Pa.—Darby Theater building damaged.

Darby, Pa.—Wellworth Department Store destroyed. Please turn page

Horsham, Pa.—Babylon Road mansion of Robert Ruff damaged.

Lewisburg, Pa.—Apartment dwelling owned by W. B. Byerly damaged.

Philadelphia, Pa.—1629 Ruan Street building, housing furniture and appliance outlet of Harry Bernstein, destroyed.

Philadelphia, Pa.—Barone Launch Service Inc. office building on Pier 5, South Wharves heavily damaged; two launches destroyed.

Philadelphia, Pa.—Milrose Shoe Store destroyed; Fay’s Beauty Shop damaged.

Philadelphia, Pa.—Weistzel Lumber Co., Inc., Al-Kay Tire Sales, Central Electric Supply Co. and Weistzel retail outlet building destroyed. Explosion.

Schuylkill Haven, Pa.—Clifford Lookard, TV service warehouse and garage destroyed.

Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Dwelling and two trucks on East End Boulevard damaged. Runaway trailer-truck.

Loris, S. C.—Piggly Wiggly Food Store destroyed.

Newberry, S. C.—Newton Tire & Recapping Co. heavily damaged.

Chattanooga, Tenn.—Put-N-Take building supply warehouse damaged.

Oak Ridge, Tenn.—Paragon Bowling Alley and dance hall damaged.

Caldwell, Tex.—Burleson County Democrat, weekly newspaper, and building housing Cozy Barber Shop destroyed; drug, dry goods store and several other buildings damaged.

Houston, Tex.—Lighthouse for the Blind damaged.

South Hero, Vt.—Stable, barn and granary on Bernard Goulette farm destroved.

Bedford, Va.—Feed store, clothing shop and farmer’s union store destroyed.

Leesburg, Va .— Clubhouse of Goose Creek Countrv Club damaged.

Richmond, Va.—Allen & Smith Co. Inc., candy manufacturing firm, damaged.

Richmond, Va.—McIntyre Implement building damaged.

Bremerton, Wash.—Maurer Dance Hall destroyed.

Fonaskct, Wash.—Regal Fruit Co. and United Growers fruit warehouses destroyed.

Monroe, Wash.—State Reformatory dairy barns destroyed.

Tacoma, Wash.—Fick Foundry damaged.

Tacoma, Wash. — Wheller storage plant, a wheat storage shed and II railroad cars destroyed.

Wapato, Wash.—Wapato Bowling Lanes damaged. Varnish explosion.

Yakima, Wash.—Ahtanum Box Factory destroyed.

Shrewsbury, W. Va.—Seabolt Lumber & Building Supply Co. destroyed.

Vancouver, B. C.—Wasks’ Department Store destroyed.

Cornwall, Ont.—Jade Gardens restaurant and apartments damaged.

St. John’s, Nfld.—Freight shed on West End waterfront destroyed; Canadian National Railways dockyard damaged.

Plctou, N. S.—Waterfront housing Piers C and and E, Northumberland Strait ferry Prince Nova, five fishing boats, Magdelen Islands Transport Co., passenger terminal and Federal Mines Department building, destroyed.

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.