A Milwaukee (WI) firefighter fell through two floors of a burning home late Sunday, but fortunately was able to escape injury.
Initial reports that a family with children were trapped inside, but it turned out that they were not in home, according to a report from CBS 58 (http://bit.ly/TMpjpt).
While a firefighter was operating on the home’s second floor, a collapse sent him plunging into the basement, where he became entagled and was unable to free himself. Fellow firefighters removed the trapped firefighter from a basement window.
Few other details are available from the incident. Read more at http://bit.ly/TMpjpt.
There have been a number of reports of firefighters falling through floors at structure fires in these recent weeks, including a line-of-duty death in New York state. For more on related firefighting issues, consider Floor Collapse : A Survivor’s Story, SAVING OUR OWN: THE FIREFIGHTER WHO HAS FALLEN THROUGH THE FLOOR , and “AWARE”: A LIFE-SAVING PLAN FOR RESCUING TRAPPED FIREFIGHTERS.