Photos by Roger Hamilton
Report by Thane Westermeyer
On Sunday, November 4, 2018, at 2:47 p.m., the Sun Prairie (WI) Fire Department was dispatched to a reported structure fire in a grain dryer in the town of Bristol on HWY V.
On arrival, the officer in charge reported active fire in the 65-foot-high grain dryer. Command units arriving on scene confirmed no life safety issues and ordered crews to cool the structure to avoid exposure risk. Incident command requested a first-alarm mutual aid box for additional assistance. Command then requested a second alarm mutual aid box for engines, a fifth-alarm mutual aid box for tenders because of the lack of water resources, and a special request for two ladder trucks.
First-in-crews positioned a master stream-line and handlines rapidly to knock down the main body of fire in the grain dryer.
Once mutual aid units arrived on scene, crews positioned three engines and two ladder trucks to aid in containment of the fire. Overhaul of the structure was performed while cutting additional holes in the grain dryer to loosen the burned and wet corn.
Crews remained on the scene until 7 p.m. performing overhaul.
Fortunately, no civilians were injured, although two first responders reported minor injuries. Neither were transported to the hospital.
Officials are currently investigating the fire. Mutual aid assistance was received from Cottage Grove Fire, DeForest/Windsor Fire, Columbus Fire, Truax Fire, Waunakee Fire, Dane Fire, Stoughton Fire, Doylestown Fire, Rio Fire, McFarland Fire, Town of Madison Fire, Middleton Fire, and Deerfield Fire. SPEMS and Marshall EMS provided rehab for firefighters and Dane County Sheriffs provided police support.
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