Wisconsin Volunteer Firefighter Dies During Mutual Aid Response

ROSENDALE, WI—A firefighter from the Rosendale Volunteer Fire Department in Wisconsin died January 21 after becoming unresponsive during a mutual aid response to a structure fire. Leslie W. Fryman, a 21-year veteran of the department, was pronounced dead at a local hospital after being treated by fellow first responders. The nature and cause of death is still to be officially reported.

Mr.  Fryman was 58 years old. Tribute is being paid to “Les” Fryman at http://apps.usfa.fema.gov/firefighter-fatalities/. Mr. Fryman’s death is the fifth firefighter fatality reported to USFA in 2015. Year-to-date and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online at http://apps.usfa.fema.gov/firefighter-fatalities/fatalityData/statistics

Dave McGlynn and Sean Duffy

The Training Officer: Effective Search Tactics and Cultivating a Training Culture

Host Dave McGlynn talks with firefighter Sean Duffy about his innovative program, "Searchable vs. Survivable."