Check out firefighter training articles from the December 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine, which focuses on issues pertaining to firefighter health and fitness. Cover photo by David Bryce shows Leominster (MA) firefighters and mutual aid units at work.
Creating and Enhancing Your Fire Department Wellness Program
Creating a wellness program for your department takes time, money, planning, and a lot of grit. JIM BURNEKA
Pregnancy in the Fire Service: A Cultural Shift
Learn how the latest science and education should play a role in your department’s pregnancy policy. STEPHANIE WHITE AND JOHN K. MURPHY
Burning Out: Why “We Signed Up for This” Isn’t Enough to Tackle Trauma in Firefighters
“We signed up for this” is a phrase often used to dismiss the emotional fallout in the aftermath of a traumatic experience when, in fact, it depreciates the experience. HARRISON M. HALL
Fitness: From the Firehouse to the Fireground
Three key factors contribute to our fireground performance: work capacity, fitness, and preparedness. ERIC HASKINS
Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Practices
From how we recruit to how applicants apply and become processed requires rebuilding from the ground up. GARRETT PINGOL
Biohacking Firefighter Circadian Rhythms
You can make changes to your lifestyle for improved wellness, disease prevention, and normalized circadian rhythms. BRIAN CRIMMINS
Addiction: An Escape from Emotional Pain
When you take care of yourself and your mind, you can succeed at breaking free from addiction. JADA HUDSON
“Fit for Duty” Means More Than Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is only one small factor in determining if a member is ready to respond; you must also consider mental fitness. DAVE DENNISTON
EDITOR’S OPINION: It Has Already Been a Year
TRAINING NOTEBOOK: Stop Defeating the Prop; Force That Door!
VOLUNTEERS CORNER: After-Action Reviews and Tactical Success
ENERGY FIRES: Fire in the Sky: A Pilot’s Worst Nightmare
WHAT WE LEARNED: Response to Railway Incidents: Train Strikes and Extrication