FE Volume 176 Issue 2

Cover Photo by Ron Jeffers

Read firefighter training articles from the February 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.


A Methodical Approach to Achieving a Productive Aerial Apparatus Position  

Being mentally prepared and having a methodical process to position the aerial will increase the chances of a successful outcome on the fireground. NICK ESPOSITO   

Take Command with NIMS for Fireground Success  

A good department will have a good working knowledge of NIMS, which provides commonality in preparedness and response efforts. DAVID POLIKOFF  

Creating an Aerial Apparatus Program to Brag About   

This article follows a fire department that is getting its first new aerial device and is starting a new ladder company and outlines what actions personnel should take after delivery. NICK WILBUR   

Tactical Supervision for Known Rescues  

For incidents with known parties trapped and in need of rescue, officers should promote the proactive establishment of rescue group supervisors. BRIAN BRUSH AND ANTHONY KASTROS  

Ladder Rung Spacing: Time for a Change?  

A new study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health concludes that the American fire service should consider reducing the standard rung spacing of its ladders. MICHAEL WILBUR AND J. GORDON ROUTLEY   

The Fire Demonstration Chamber: Rethinking the Flashover Container  

Firefighters in Sweden have renamed the flashover container the fire demonstration chamber because its primary purpose is to demonstrate fire behavior in a room, not necessarily to induce flashovers. STEFAN SVENSSON   

The Need for Quality Risk Analysis in “Small” Departments 

The first product you need to develop in any community risk reduction, community education, or strategic plan is a formal community risk assessment. NICHOLAS DeLIA  

Chief’s Drivers: The Role-Players  

Now that you know the value, roles, and responsibilities of this position, how do you choose, solicit, attract, or select an individual for that role? STEPHEN MARSAR   



VOLUNTEERS CORNER: What Is the Culture of Your Department?

TRAINING NOTEBOOK: Performance Testing Your Fire Tanker

FIRE FOCUS: Fire in a Chicago Renovated Building




ON FIRE: Glad I Missed That One


The 2023 Water on the Fire Supplement

Large House in Fort Worth (TX) Partially Collapses During Fire

Fort Worth firefighters battled a fire at a large house in the affluent Crestline neighborhood, near the River Crest Country Club, early Wednesday.
Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.