FE Volume 176 Issue 5

Read firefighter training articles from the May 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine, including pieces from Tom Dunne, Nick Ledin, Steve Prziborowski, and more. Cover photo by Jack McCarthy of www.filltheboxfire.com shows New Haven (CT) firefighters at work.


The Clark County (NV) Hospital Area Command Collaboration

A mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip prompted local responders to change how they operate during disasters. GREG CASSELL, JOHN WIERCINSKI, DAVID E. SLATTERY, AND KAREN DONNAHIE       

One Fire, Two Close Calls

An officer avoided a hole burned through the floor and later experienced an explosive event at the same fire. PAUL VNUCZENSKI       

Mitigated Speech and the Fire Officer: Understanding Subordinates

Knowing how language works and why crews speak the way they do will help you better protect and lead them. CHANDLER MOORE      

Crowd Management: Preventing the Next Catastrophe

Before your next large-scale event, perform a crowd management size-up just as you would a building size-up at a fire. THOMAS DUNNE      

Courage Under Fire Leadership: 15 Considerations Before Promoting

Go into the process fully prepared and make sure you are promoting for the right reasons. STEVE PRZIBOROWSKI       

Trench Rescue Shoring: Myths or Science? Part 3

The series continues with myths and science about panels and wales. RON ZAWLOCKI AND CRAIG DASHNER      

Officer Development Program: Where to Start and Lessons Learned

Here are five steps to creating an officer development program that you can tailor to your department’s needs. BRAD McCUTCHEON       

Fire Conditions vs. Victim Survival: Pushing Paradigms and Procedures

For the first time in the American fire service, there is tactical, actionable data on rescues. NICK LEDIN      

Transfer of Command

There are no hard and fast rules, but here are ideal steps for the transfer of command. DAVID HESSELMEYER      


EDITOR’S OPINION: My Subject, My Class! Lighten Up, Francis

VOLUNTEERS CORNER: Being an Officer in a Volunteer Fire Department

TRAINING NOTEBOOK: Sizing Up Garden-Style Apartment Fires

FIRE FOCUS: Anatomy of a Virginia Apartment Fire with Rescues and a Mayday





ON FIRE: What Building Do You Fear the Most?

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to ‘Unknown Type’ Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

Mike Dugan and the panel regulars will talk with their guests about building codes and how proper building construction can mitigate the damage from natural…