FE Volume 176 Issue 9

Read some firefighter training articles from the September 2023 issue of Fire Engineering magazine, with its focus on technical rescue and water rescue. Cover photo by Kenneth Flynn shows firefighters undertaking flood rescues in New York’s Hudson Valley.


SWIFTWATER: Key to Command and Control at Water Rescues

Ten steps to effective command and control include size-up, incident priorities, wearing proper personal protective equipment, accountability, and more. GREG MERRELL      

Blind Elevator Shaft Rope System Rescue

Rescuing passengers from a stalled elevator can be challenging, especially from a blind shaft, which requires using a rope system. JEREMY RIFFLARD

Confined Spaces and Their Governing Standards

Confined spaces are often deadly spaces, but regulators have worked hard to create parameters that decrease the likelihood of your succumbing to the dangers. CALEB McNEIL

Maximizing Your Own Harness

If you understand what your own integrated harness can do, you can quickly put it to use for access or egress, simple drags, or multiplying the capability of drags and pulls. ALEXANDER DEGNAN

Wrecker-Assisted Rescue

Tow trucks are present at every accident scene to remove the vehicles and help clear the roadway; are you maximizing their capabilities to assist in the rescue? TIM O’CONNOR

Trench Rescue: Understanding Soil

A working knowledge of current research in soil mechanics and trench collapse best-practice shoring requirements can help you avoid dangerous mistakes. OLIVER-Denzil TAYLOR, S. MARIE LaBAW, AND

Using Old-School Theories to Drive Successful Change

Every human being reacts differently to change. Understanding and focusing on this uniqueness are key to enacting change in your department. STEPHEN MARSH


EDITOR’S OPINION: Many Have Forgotten That We Will Never Forget

VOLUNTEERS CORNER: Medevac on Standby

TRAINING NOTEBOOK: The Last-Seen Point: An Essential for Dive Rescue Operations




ON FIRE: The Backstep

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.