View firefighting articles from the July 2024 issue of Fire Engineering magazine, which focused on fire research and technology.
The Reading (PA) Fire Department was dispatched to a reported house fire. On arrival, heavy fire was showing from the second and third floor, front to rear. Engine 7, with assistance from Engine 3, made an aggressive interior attack, attempting to contain the fire to the building of origin and complete a search. Crews found poor structural conditions, including holes in the floors. A second alarm was called due to the proximity of the adjacent exposure and the additional hazards identified and communicated to command. The fire was contained with minimal damage to the exposures. Strong communication between interior crews and command along with early recognition of the need for additional resources is critical for fireground success. Photo by Adam Webster.
The Language Modernization of the Fire Rescue and EMS Services
Technology is advancing faster than anyone thought possible, yet digital tools have become agnostic and ubiquitous across the public safety domains. We have much to consider in the implementation, utilization, and governance of these tools. KIRK McKINZIE
The Fire Service’s Role at Protests
The types of protests that fire rescue may have to assist at are direct action protests, with protesters locked into devices that need to be cut/removed. Removal must be coordinated with law enforcement and with a definite incident action plan in place. James Edelstein
Copilot for the Fire Service: The Power of Artificial Intelligence
This article examines the significant challenges confronting the fire service and the substantial improvements AI can bring to our operational capabilities and safety measures. SCOTT ROSEBERRY AND SAI NARAIN
Modern Firefighting Tactics in Residential Structures: Ventilation, Coordination, and Control
The task of ventilation in residential structures has seen significant advancements through extensive research conducted by UL FSRI. This research has shed light on the intricacies of ventilation and its profound impact on fire dynamics. P.J. NORWOOD AND SEAN GRAY
The Changing Landscape in Public Safety
New operating environments call for continuous adaptation, innovative thinking, and collaboration among emergency services organizations. ELOY VEGA
The Future of Thermal Imaging in the Fire Service
Here is a glimpse into the not-too-distant future of thermal imaging improvements for firefighters. ANDREW STARNES
Smart Devices in Fire Investigations: Unlocking Crucial Data for Investigators
Smart devices can provide critical insights for determining the origin and cause of fires. RAYMOND E. LANE
FSRI Study Focuses on EV Fires
As fire departments grapple with the complexities of extinguishing EV fires and the risks of chemical exposures, ongoing research by FSRI takes the spotlight, promising valuable insights into the hazards of EVs and laying the foundation for enhanced safety protocols. PATRICK DURHAM, REPRESENTING FSRI EV TECHNICAL PANEL
Remote Tactical Training: FDNY Brings Training to the Firehouses
When in-person training halted and social distancing was required due to COVID-19, the FDNY Bureau of Training had to quickly pivot and embark on a new technology-based mission set. JOSH RAEBEN
EDITOR’S OPINION: Research Identified the Dumbest Guy in the Room
TRAINING NOTEBOOK: Problem Solving and Company-Level Training
VOLUNTEERS CORNER: Life in a ‘Volley’ House: Duty, Honor, Country
ENERGY HAZARDS: Photovoltaic Systems: An Evolving Energy Challenge