Hartford (CT) Firefighters Rescue Two from Apartment Building Fire

Firefighters rescued two women from an apartment building fire in Hartford Monday.

The fire broke out around 9:30 Monday evening on Weathersfield Avenue near Cole Park, initially igniting in an apartment on the first floor of a six-unit building, WFSB reports.

Firefighters arrived to find one woman hanging out of a third-floor window, calling for help. They used a ladder to bring her to safety. Another woman was rescued from a ground-floor apartment. Both women were transported to a nearby hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Firefighters initially brought the fire under control quickly, but it flared up elsewhere in the building leading to a lengthy battle.

The fire chief described the situation as hectic, with residents yelling from windows, waiting for rescue, WFSB reported.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Seven families were displaced by the fire.

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firefighters rescue woman

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