PulsePoint Gains National AED Registry to Enhance Cardiac Arrest Emergency Response

ZOLL’s donation of the National AED Registry to the Emergency AED Registry optimizes dispatch and citizen responder accessibility to AED locations.
Firefighter Kevin McRae down firefighter CPR

Mayday Monday: You’ve Rescued the Firefighter…Now What?

Tony Carroll speaks with guest David Mellen about the medical aspects of response to a firefighter Mayday.

Two Children, Ages 2 and 3, Dead in NC House Fire

The fire erupted in the 100 block of Bostic Sunshine Highway on Friday just before 10 a.m.
Firefighter fatality

OH Firefighter Collapses at Scene of House Fire, Dies

Nelsonville Senior Firefighter Jeffrey Eugene Armes died after collapsing at the scene of a house fire.

Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue: Firefighter Down CPR

In this video, review the Miami-Dade (FL) model for administering aid to a firefighter suffering cardiac arrest.

Do you know the five components of high-quality CPR? Sign up to receive the white paper.

Not that long ago, professional rescuers were taught to push hard and fast when treating victims of cardiac arrest. That’s all you needed to ensure…
Firefighter Training: Down Firefighter CPR

Firefighter Training: Down Firefighter CPR

The Firefighters Support Foundation has released two more firefighter training programs--one on firefighter CPR, another focusing on a carry for removing a down firefighter.