David Rhodes and Danny Sheridan

In The Books: Danny Sheridan

David Rhodes talks with Danny Sheridan, author of Fire Scene Discipline: True Stories of Close Calls.
Danny Sheridan and Eric Pettaway

First-Due Battalion Chief: Apparatus Placement

Danny Sheridan and Eric Pettaway discuss apparatus placement, reviewing what can go wrong and how to avoid those issues.
Danny Sheridan and Eric Pettaway

Podcast: First-Due Battalion Chief

Danny Sheridan and Erik Pettaway discuss the role of the battalion chief and their experiences in New York and Boston.
John Riker, Ralph Fernandez, and Danny Sheridan

Live at FDIC: First-Due Battalion Chief

Danny Sheridan meets with Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Lieutenant Ralph Fernandez and John Riker, retired deputy chief of the Newark (NJ) Fire Department.
Eric Pettaway, Danny Sheridan, and Tony Carroll

First-Due Battalion Chief: Eric Pettaway

Host Danny Sheridan talks battalion chief duties and other topics with Tony Carroll and Eric Pettaway, district chief of Boston (MA) Fire Department.

FDNY Avoids Disaster at Outside Gas Leak Emergencies

Daniel P. Sheridan looks at how the FDNY handles gas emergencies, and then examines several incidents where their due diligence avoided catastrophe.
Danny Sheridan FDNY

First-Due Battalion Chief: Tony Carroll

Host Danny Sheridan talks firefighter Maydays and RIT response with guest Tony Carroll of the Mayday Monday program.