Douglas Mitchell FDIC

‘First Due!’ Residential Fire Concepts for the Engine, Truck, and Chief

Recorded July 16, 2024 | Watch Now!
Douglas Mitchell Jr. covers mission-critical actions for engine, truck, and first-arriving chief officers at residential fires.
Command Show with Brian Brush Anthony Kastros and Doug Mitchell Jr.

Command Show: Doug Mitchell

Hosts Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Doug Mitchell about how the Fire Department of New York manages the tactical gap.
Doug Mitchell Jr. at FDIC International 2022

Mitchell: ‘Evolution You: Mission, Motivation, and Mindset’

"We must never lose sight that all our actions ‘for them’ are performed by a collective group of individuals who must start with being personally…
Doug Mitchell Jr.

FDIC 2022 Interview: Doug Mitchell

Doug Mitchell reflects on the training challenges fire departments across the country are facing and how FDIC International can help address them.