NFA Takes Healthy Look at Fitness

The National Fire Academy is responding to concern about the physical fitness of fire fighters. Working in conjunction with the Institute of Human Performance in Fairfax, Va., the academy is developing an extensive course directly concerned with the fire fighter’s physical well-being.
16 mm Films

16 mm Films

HIGHFIRE! PLAN FOR SURVIVAL, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; color, 19 minutes; rental $70 week, purchase $340. Life safety and fire…

Don’t Wait for Disasters to Happen

Canyon City sits out on the plains of the Texas Panhandle and, with a population of some 8000 persons, it is not a place where…
35MM Slides

35MM Slides

HOME FIRE INSPECTION, Film Communicators, 11136 Weddington Street, North Hollywood, Calif. 91601; 126 color slides and tape, 15 minutes; $110. Slide-tape program points out possible…
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Safety Belt&emdash;Wydra Manufacturing Co. has a two-page data sheet on the Wydra safety belt which allows fire fighters to work safely on a roof…


JAMES F. CASEY Editor RICHARD PRATT SYLVIA Associate Editor DOROTHY P. FERGUSON Managing Editor LINDA R. KRAUS Assistant Editor
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arkansas Fire Training Academy—Weekday Courses: Advanced Fire Pump Operations, March 26-30; Rookie School, April 2-6; Fire Prevention Seminar, April 9-11; Advisory Committee For Fire Department…