Spot Barks Up Right Tree To Teach Tots Fire Safety

Spot is an 18-inch dalmatian dog puppet that is used to teach fire prevention to pre-schoolers and handicapped persons in the Peoria, Ill., area. The idea of “Spot the Fire Dog” first entered my mind last May while I was attending public education classes at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Md. Peoria Chief Harold Schmeilski is very interested in public education and is always looking for ways to improve the department.

From the Publishers Desk

We guess you are aware by now that our editor, Jim Casey, is retiring effective January 1, 1981, after more than eighteen years of plugging…

Selection and Use of Foams to Meet Challenges of Flammable Liquid Fires

Fighting fires involving flammable liquids demands special considerations not required when combating fires in class A fuels. The basic technique used to extinguish a class…

Pre-Fire Plan Is Useful Only If It’s Workable

When you first venture into pre-fire planning, it is natural to fall into the error of planning in great detail to fight the tremendous fire…
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Dispatch System—A four-page brochure from Telautograph Corp. describes the company’s Telewriter dispatch system. Alarm dispatches written on a Telewriter transmitter are simultaneously duplicated at…

Homemade Siphon for Portable Tanks

The use of an easily constructed siphon is one of the reasons many rural fire departments in Cumberland County, Pa., can maintain a minimum water…
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arkansas Fire Academy: Fire/Arson Seminars, Forrest City, Jan. 12-16; Monticello, Jan. 26-30; Arkansas Fire Training Academy, Feb. 2-6. For further information contact the Arkansas Fire…