National Fire Academy

National Fire Academy

National Fire Academy: Hazardous Materials I, May 25-June 5, June 15-26; Hazardous Materials II, May 11-22, June 8-19; Hazardous Materials III, May 25-June 5, June 20-28; Incident Command II, May 11-22, June 8-19; Public Fire Education Specialist, May 18-22; May 25-29;

Fire Equipment Digest

Ziamatic Corp. has developed the Zico Quic-Axe super tool, that can be used as a hydrant wrench, hammer, cutting edge, pry point, nail puller, gas…

Phone Use Touches Public With Fire Safety Message

Fire departments have been using the telephone to receive alarms for many years, and yet the telephone has not been used as a tool to…

From the Publishers Desk

How do you prepare an article for publication in Fire Engineering? That’s a question we often are asked. We generally reply that the first thing…
Coming Events

Coming Events

April 30-May 1—Eastern Regional Safety Congress & Exposition, 2nd annual, Philadelphia, Pa. For further information contact John Lundgren, Exhibit Manager, National Safety Council, 444 N.…
Ideas for Increasing Women’s Role In Fire Service Voiced at Seminar

Ideas for Increasing Women’s Role In Fire Service Voiced at Seminar

Recommendations aimed at expanding the role of women in the fire service have been published by the United States Fire Administration. Widespread support is needed…

Tanker Shuttle, Foam Quell Gasoline Truck-Train Fire

A tank truck loaded with 4800 gallons of gasoline failed to stop at a railroad grade crossing and was struck by a train near Catskill,…