Need for Resource Manual Cited After Acid Spill

I was in Fairbanks, Alaska, with Gene Carlson (a Fire Engineering contributing editor) to conduct a three-day class entitled "Handling Hazardous Materials Incidents." At the conclusion of the first class, I told the students that whenever Gene and I teach, the host department seems to immediately have a hazardous material incident.

Developing Haz-Mat Training Programs

One of the most frequently asked questions concerning hazardous materials is, "How many chemicals are there now?" My response to this usually is, "Hazardous by…

Fire Fighters Beget Officers

In most fire departments, there is a promotional chain with fire fighters rising to the various officer ranks. To be promoted, experience, training, passing an…


Three incidents have been reported to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in which highpressure hose of open-circuit SCBA equipped with 30-minute…

An Organization Formed On Cooperation

Reinforcing the IAFC's message of cooperation among all emergency services, Jan Assentorp, organization manager for Falcks Redningskorps A/S (Falck) in Denmark, explained how his corporation…


February 2-4, 1984 National Disaster Management Conference. Contact Disaster 1984, Fl. Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians, 600 Courtland St., Suite 420, Orlando, FL 32804.…