Do You Know Where Your Men Are?

Collapse! This single word can and should cause even the most experienced firefighter to miss a heartbeat. Many very good articles have been written on this subject addressing building construction, fire spread, and the warnings that fire buildings will usually give us prior to the actual collapse.

Preventing Live Burn Accidents

There have been a number of articles written on training programs involving live burnings where fire service members were injured or killed. The possibility of…

Major Chemical Incident Controlled by Coordination and Cooperation

Training, pre-fire planning, and a strong mutual-aid system were challenged by disrupted water supplies, high winds, and toxic fumes at a chemical plant explosion and…


The Kennedy Valve Division of ITT Grinnell Valve Co. has introduced the improved Guardian hydrant with a new and simple design. The pressure-activated drain valve…


A free catalog of the 1985 UL Standards for safety is available from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Publications Stock, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. Telephone:…

Military Base Suppresses Fire Automatically

If all goes according to plan, by next year the South Dakota Air National Guard (SDANG) will have a new fire detection, alarm, and suppression…


APPARATUS INNOVATIONS/DELIVERIES Photo by G. Croman Circle No. 79 on Reader Service Card Circle No. 73 on Reader Service Card Circle No. 71 on Reader…