The Organization

The Organization

"The last time that we were together, we talked about how important expectations were," said George, the management consultant who was addressing a small group of volunteer fire chiefs in a leadership seminar (see FIRE ENGINEERING, November 1984).
New sprinkler for early suppression is currently in works

New sprinkler for early suppression is currently in works

The Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) has reached new developments in its sprinkler research that may change current protection philosophies and strategies. One loss control…

The Corner Service Station: A Neighborhood Hazard

Despite its fire protection systems and specially trained fire brigade, everyone recognizes the chemical manufacturing plant at the edge of town as a severe target…
FEMA announces new states for national fire prevention program

FEMA announces new states for national fire prevention program

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that 10 additional states will participate in a national community volunteer fire prevention program. In each of…


APPARATUS INNOVATIONS/DELIVERIES DEPARTMENTS Circle No. 76 on Reader Service Card Photo by Richard Allen Circle No. 79 on Reader Service Card Circle No. 78 on…

An International View of Fire Prevention

Turnout gear, as we all know, is the firefighter's primary means of protection against heat and flame. Coats and pants, fashioned from highly sophisticated, spaceage…

“Oh!… er… Electrical”

"Oh!... er... electrical." This statement, when given at the scene of a fire just brought under control, often alternates with its companion, "Oh!... er... oil…