Tips on Taking Up

Tips on Taking Up

We in the fire service spend a great deal of time, or should, training our personnel. Hose stretches, ladder placement, apparatus positioning, search and rescue, etc., all demand long hours on the drill field.

Identifying Revenge Fires

We have all been called on to mitigate or investigate an incendiary fire. And we have all witnessed or read about the telltale signs of…


Editor THOMAS F. BRENNAN Managing Editor JACKIE COX Associate Editor AUDREY PAVEY Art Director R. NELSON CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Gene Carlson

Use Quality Text Slides For A Professional Presentation

Have you ever seen a slide presentation that was boring, hard to follow, or seemed to meander from point to point without apparent direction or…

Garden Apartments—Old Worry/New Package

The condition of the country's economy is evident in many ways. Food prices are up, unemployment rates are down, and colleges are pulling in record…


March 1986 Volume 139 No. 3 DEPARTMENTS EDITORIAL 6 Drop dead VOLUNTEERS CORNER 8 Garden apartments—old worry/new package TRAINING NOTEBOOK 10 Handling a flammable liquid…


Blue Water announces the introduction of Superline +PLUS ropes. The doubletwisted core construction makes the +PLUS ropes abrasion resistant and gives them shock-load absorption properties.…