Sprinkler ordinance in effect

Sprinkler ordinance in effect

The DeKalb County, GA, Board of Commissioners has passed a sprinkler system ordinance that requires sprinklers to be installed in all hotels, motels, apartment buildings, rooming houses, and dormitories that are constructed there after May 1,1986. The only structures that will be exempt from the new law are oneand two-family dwellings and those designed to accommodate less than 15 persons, said DeKalb County Fire Chief Thomas E. Brown, who worked with the county commissioners and local developers to write the ordinance.
Update of the Fire Flow Formula

Update of the Fire Flow Formula

You pull up to a two-story taxpayer with stores on the first floor and apartments on the second. Fire is showing in one of the…

Call for retrofit of supplied-air respirators

Due to a possible defect in the secondstage regulator, Survivair has initiated a retrofit of certain of its Hip Pac combination SCBA and supplied-air respirators.…
Training Hints

Training Hints

When the safe second octopus concept was first introduced, the exhalation port was removed from the backup unit. The only purpose served by the exhalation…


Although fire prevention and education are used together quite frequently, they have not achieved the success that they should have. Fire deaths and damages still…
USFA retrofit grant awarded

USFA retrofit grant awarded

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) awarded a $250,000 grant to the People's Firehouse, a Brooklyn, NY-based community organization that is active in promoting fire…


The North Stonington, CT, Fire Department recently placed in service this Saulsbury fast-attack pumper mounted on an 11,000pound Chevrolet chassis. This unit is equipped with…