Lessons from School

The halls that Baytown, Texas, firefighters advanced through in the early hours of April 29 were familiar ones: Most of the senior officers had walked them daily as students of Robert E. Lee High School, Baytown's only high school for nearly four decades.


PIG Pan, an absorbent 13-by-9 1/2-by-3inch pan, catches oil and other industrial fluids before they can drip to the floor. Each pan is made of…

New Roofs Over Old

Ventilation is a top priority in successful firefighting operations, but a remodeling project that places a new, independent roof structure over an existing roof will…


November 16-19—CODE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING COURSE 44—ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT will be taught at the Academy of Fire Safety in Montour Falls, N.Y. The class will be…
There’s agreement, too, on firefighter memorials

There’s agreement, too, on firefighter memorials

Two U.S. representatives have worked out language concerning two memorials to fallen firefighters—one already built at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Md., and another…
Repetition and Exception

Repetition and Exception

Perhaps the greatest problem faced by the person in charge at a fire scene is decision-making. Since people have the propensity to do what they…

Nonfire Emergencies: Oil Burners and Electricity

In many of my columns, I've written about fires—how to control them, I how to vent them, and most important, how to return home from…