Strategy and Tactics: A Safety Relationship

Strategy and Tactics: A Safety Relationship

Firefighter deaths and injuries occur most frequently on the fireground. It's here that department policy, chief and company officer supervision, awareness, and accountability can have the greatest impact on safety. Safety considerations at the scene begin with the arrival of the first unit and do not diminish until the last member has left the scene.

Managing the Media at Major Haz-mat Incidents

Not many emergencies tax the modern incident command system as does the major hazardous materials incident. Fire departments and other designated emergency responders have invested…

Lightweight Wood Truss Floor Construction: A Fire Lesson

Recently, a multiple-alarm fire destroyed half of a three-story apartment building in San Antonio, Texas. It was one in a series of extra-alarm fires in…

Truck Fires

Trucks, the major means of transporting cargo in North America, are a source of fire problems. Fire incidents can be classified by the location of…

Rescue Apparatus

When we think of a rescue company, a variety of hydraulic, air, and electricand gasolinepowered tools come to mind. Often overlooked is the apparatus, the…


"Leading the fire service since 1877" 250 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 (212) 481-5771 EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR Thomas F. Brennan MANAGING EDITOR William A.…

Cellar Fires and the Cellar Stairway

The cellar fire presents the firefighter with a most serious fire attack situation. This is due in no small measure to the limited prospects of…