Sudden Collapse of a Fire Structure: Strategies for Preventing Casualties

Sudden Collapse of a Fire Structure: Strategies for Preventing Casualties

INITIAL APPARATUS PLACEMENT AND A KEEN EYE prevented what would have been a major loss for the Clark County (NV) Fire Department (CCFD) and the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Department (LVF&R).
Mentoring Upside Down

Mentoring Upside Down

OVER THE YEARS, THERE HAVE been a variety of articles on the benefits of formal mentoring programs.
“Suicide in Progress”:  Response Strategies

“Suicide in Progress”: Response Strategies

IT’S INCREASINGLY COMMON FOR FIREFIGHTERS TO respond to incidents involving “jumpers” and other self-threatening emergencies.
Today’s Recruits, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Today’s Recruits, Tomorrow’s Leaders

IHAVE SPENT A NUMBER OF enjoyable years as an officer in the Grand Island (NY) Fire Company and have always embraced the positions I have…
Command Position

Command Position

THE TACTICAL DECISIONS WE make and the operational actions we take must be based on sound and accurate information gathered and exchanged among the team…
Operating Elevator Cars During a Building Fire

Operating Elevator Cars During a Building Fire

ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS OPERATIONS THE fire service performs is using elevators during a building fire.
JET-X Foam

JET-X Foam

BUILDING 100 IS A 104,000-square-foot aircraft hangar at Griffiss Air Park in Rome, New York.