Every 15 Minutes

Every 15 Minutes

Every spring before proms and graduations, high schools around the nation put on a drinking and driving awareness program called “Every 15 Minutes.
Tabun Nerve Agents

Tabun Nerve Agents

The chemical warfare agents (CWA) known as nerve agents include tabun (GA), sarin (GB), soman (GD), and cyclosarin (GF), collectively known as the “G” series,…
Conference and Travel Spending

Conference and Travel Spending

Throughout the state of New York, some volunteer fire departments have drawn criticism and negative press from the state comptroller’s office for questionable conference spending.
Apparatus Specifications: Avoiding the Pitfalls

Apparatus Specifications: Avoiding the Pitfalls

Thousands of new fire apparatus are delivered in the United States each year. Except for an occasional minor discrepancy, most deliveries are completed without major…
The Qualities of an Effective Engineer-Driver

The Qualities of an Effective Engineer-Driver

The engineer is one of the most important positions in the fire service. In some departments, it is a promotional rank.
Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets

Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets

We all seek that gadget that gives us an edge: an extrication tool, a new evolution, or a new methodology that will help us to…
Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires

Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires

A local fire department arrives on the scene of a working fire. The incident commander (IC) sizes up the situation and, intending to extinguish the…